High Potential is no Guarantee of Success, Says RHR International

Fundamental Shifts in Approach and Style Are Often Required.

CHICAGO, June 17, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Once the excitement of the promotion fades, every high-potential executive faces a harsh reality – the need to deliver. For a lucky few, the transition is seamless, almost effortless. For the majority, it requires trial and error, self-reflection, and a significant amount of adjustment before they begin to see results.

In the last edition of its publication Executive Insight, "How Organizations Fail High-Potential Talent" RHR outlined the danger points within the organization that can result in failure for high potentials. The current issue looks at the individuals themselves and what personal shortcomings can cause them to self-destruct when promoted to senior executive ranks.

According to RHR International, the primary cause of derailment among recently promoted high-potential talent is a fundamental failure to shift time, focus, and energy to align with a new level of responsibility. To successfully transition to broad-scale leadership, high potentials must reinvent themselves in the new position. This need extends to virtually every aspect of the role – how they distribute their attention, interact with stakeholders and set their priorities.

"There are several common pitfalls that emerge as leaders expand their scope," says Dr. Jessica Bigazzi Foster, Global Practice Leader – Executive Development at RHR International. "If newly promoted high potentials (and their manager and mentors) watch for these risk behaviors, they can course correct quickly when needed and reduce the likelihood of the executive heading too far down an unsuccessful path."

To learn more about successfully integrating high potentials into positions of higher responsibility, download "When High-Potential Talent Fails the Organization" from the RHR International website.


We are a firm of management psychologists and consultants who work closely with top management to accelerate individual, team and business performance. We focus on four key areas of client need — Individual Assessment, Executive Development, Senior Team Effectiveness, and Board and CEO Services. We have been proven difference-makers for almost 70 years, unique in our combination of top management focus, psychologists' perspective and high-level business acumen.

RHR International has offices in Brazil, Canada, China, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Switzerland, United Kingdom and United States. The company is headquartered in Chicago, Ill. For more information, please visit www.rhrinternational.com or follow us on the RHR blog site, Twitter and Facebook.

