Heijmans nominates new member for the Supervisory Board

During the AGM to be held on 15 April 2020, the Supervisory Board of Heijmans intends to nominate Gerrit Witzel as a new member of the Supervisory Board for a period of four years. The nomination is the result of the vacancy that will arise due to the fact that
Rob van Gelder, in accordance with the schedule of retirement by rotation, is due to step down from the Supervisory Board effective 15 April 2020.

Considering his many years of experience in the construction sector, the Supervisory Board is of the opinion that Gerrit Witzel perfectly matches the specified profile. In a previous announcement the Supervisory Board has also indicated that it intends to nominate Ans Knape-Vosmer as a member of the Supervisory Board for a period of four years. Furthermore, the Supervisory Board also intends to nominate Ron Icke for reappointment for a two-year term. The nominations are consistent with the Supervisory Board’s aim of securing continuity and achieving a balanced schedule of retirement by rotation.

The three proposed nominations are supported by the Works Council.

About Heijmans
Heijmans is a listed company that combines activities related to property development, construction & technical services and infrastructure in the fields of Living, Working and Connecting. We create added value for our clients by focusing on continuous quality improvement, innovation and an integrated approach. Heijmans realizes projects for home buyers, companies and government entities and, together with them, builds on the spatial contours of tomorrow. For additional information, please visit www.heijmans.nl.

For additional information/not for publication:

Rik Hammer
+31 73 543 52 17
Guido Peters
Investor Relations
+31 73 543 52 17



Press release