Compagnie Financière Tradition: Adjusted operating profit before exceptional items of CHF 99.9m
18. März 2022 02:00 ET
Compagnie Financière Tradition
Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Article 53 of the Six Exchange Regulation Listing Rules Lausanne, 18 March 2022 Adjusted revenue of CHF 950.8m down 2.5% at constant exchange rates ...
Compagnie Financière Tradition: Résultat d’exploitation ajusté hors éléments exceptionnels à CHF 99,9 millions
18. März 2022 02:00 ET
Compagnie Financière Tradition
Annonce évènementielle selon l’article 53 du règlement de cotation Lausanne, le 13 mars 2022 Chiffre d’affaires ajusté de CHF 950,8 millions, en baisse de 2,5% à taux constants ...
Compagnie Financière Tradition: Adjusted operating profit before exceptional items of CHF 99.9m
18. März 2022 02:00 ET
Compagnie Financière Tradition
Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Article 53 of the Six ExchangeRegulation Listing Rules Lausanne, 18 March 2022 Adjusted revenue of CHF 950.8m down 2.5% at constant exchange rates ...
Compagnie Financière Tradition: Growth in adjusted revenue by 7.1% in the 4th quarter to CHF 239.3m
28. Januar 2022 01:15 ET
Compagnie Financière Tradition
Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Article 53 of the Six Exchange Regulation Listing Rules Lausanne, 28 January 2022 Growth in adjusted revenue by 7.1% in the 4th...
Compagnie Financière Tradition: Croissance de 7,1% du chiffre d’affaires ajusté au 4ème trimestre à CHF 239,3 millions
28. Januar 2022 01:15 ET
Compagnie Financière Tradition
Annonce évènementielle selon l’article 53 du règlement de cotation Lausanne, le 28 janvier 2022 Croissance de 7,1% du chiffre d’affaires ajusté au 4ème trimestre à CHF 239,3 millions ...
Compagnie Financière Tradition: Growth in adjusted revenue by 7.1% in the 4th quarter to CHF 239.3m
28. Januar 2022 01:15 ET
Compagnie Financière Tradition
Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Article 53 of the Six Exchange Regulation Listing Rules Lausanne, 28 January 2022 Growth in adjusted revenue by 7.1% in the 4th quarter to CHF 239.3m The...
Compagnie Financière Tradition: Growth in adjusted revenue by 6.6% in the 3rd quarter to CHF 220.5m
29. Oktober 2021 01:30 ET
Compagnie Financière Tradition
Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Article 53 of the Six Exchange Regulation Listing Rules Lausanne, 29 October 2021 Growth in adjusted revenue by 6.6% in the 3rd quarter to CHF 220.5m ...
Compagnie Financière Tradition: croissance de 6,6% du chiffre d’affaires ajusté au 3ème trimestre à CHF 220,5 millions
29. Oktober 2021 01:30 ET
Compagnie Financière Tradition
Annonce évènementielle selon l’article 53 du règlement de cotation Lausanne, le 29 octobre 2021 Croissance de 6,6% du chiffre d’affaires ajusté au 3ème trimestre à CHF 220,5 millions ...
Compagnie Financière Tradition: Growth in adjusted revenue by 6.6% in the 3rd quarter to CHF 220.5m
29. Oktober 2021 01:30 ET
Compagnie Financière Tradition
Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Article 53 of the Six ExchangeRegulation Listing Rules Lausanne, 29 October 2021 Growth in adjusted revenue by 6.6% in the 3rd quarter to CHF 220.5m ...
Compagnie Financière Tradition: Adjusted operating profit before exceptional items of CHF 58.1m
27. August 2021 01:00 ET
Compagnie Financière Tradition
Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Article 53 of the Six ExchangeRegulation Listing Rules Lausanne, 27 August 2021 Adjusted revenue of CHF 491.0m, down 9.9% at constant exchange rates ...