Results of Landic Property hf's annual general meeting held 31 August 2009
31. August 2009 09:21 ET | Landic Property hf.
The Landic Property hf annual general meeting was held today, 31 August 2009. At the meeting a proposal was submitted and approved to postpone the submission of the Financial Statements and the...
Niðurstöður aðalfundar Landic Property hf. haldinn 31. ágúst 2009
31. August 2009 09:21 ET | Landic Property hf.
Aðalfundur Landic Property hf. var haldinn í dag 31. ágúst 2009. Fundurinn samþykkti tillögu sem lögð var fram á fundinum um að fresta afgreiðslu ársreiknings fyrir síðastliðið reikningsár og ákvörðun...
Aðalfundur Landic Property hf. verður haldinn mánudaginn 31. ágúst 2009 kl. 11.00.
22. August 2009 06:18 ET | Landic Property hf.
Aðalfundur Landic Property hf. verður haldinn í höfuðstöðvum félagsins, Kringlunni 4-12 í Reykjavík, mánudaginn 31. ágúst 2009 kl. 11.00. DAGSKRÁ: 1. Skýrsla stjórnar um starfsemi félagsins árið...
The Annual General Meeting of Landic Property hf. will be held on Monday, 31 August 2009
22. August 2009 06:18 ET | Landic Property hf.
The Annual General Meeting of Landic Property hf. will be held on Monday, 31 August 2009, at 11:00 a.m., at the company´s office at Kringlunni 4-12, Reykjavík AGENDA: 1. The Board of Directors'...
Landic Property sells Magasin and Illum properties
13. August 2009 04:43 ET | Landic Property hf.
Landic Property hf. has completed the sale of Landic Property II A/S portfolio (Magasin and Illum properties) to a consortium of investors including Straumur-Burdaras Investment Bank. The portfolio is...
Landic Property selur Magasin og Illum fasteignirnar
13. August 2009 04:43 ET | Landic Property hf.
Fasteignafélagið Landic Property hf. hefur selt fasteignirnar í Landic Property II A/S fasteignasafninu (Magasin og Illum fasteignirnar) til hóps fjárfesta þ.á m. Straums-Burðaráss fjárfestingabanka. ...
Endurskipulagning íslenska eignasafns Landic Property í sjónmáli
12. August 2009 06:54 ET | Landic Property hf.
Landic Property hefur undirritað samning við NBI, Nýja Kaupþing, Íslandsbanka og Glitni um fjárhagslega endurskipulagningu innlends fasteignasafns síns. Samningurinn styrkir rekstur innlendra...
Restructuring of Icelandic property operations in sight
12. August 2009 06:54 ET | Landic Property hf.
Landic Property has signed agreement with NBI, Nyja Kaupthing, Islandsbanki and Glitnir Bank regarding the financial restructuring of the Icelandic property operations. This agreement strengthens the...
Approval of temporary suspension of payments until 6 November 2009
06. August 2009 11:13 ET | Landic Property hf.
Today the District Court of Reykjavik approved Landic Property‘s request for an extension to the temporary suspension of payments until 6 November 2009. ...
Greiðslustöðvun Landic Property hf. framlengd til 6. nóvember 2009
06. August 2009 11:13 ET | Landic Property hf.
Héraðsdómur Reykjavíkur samþykkti í dag beiðni Landic Property hf. um framlengingu á heimild til greiðslustöðvunar til 6. nóvember 2009. ...