Niðurstöður hluthafafundar Landic Property haldinn 29. júní 2009
29. Juni 2009 11:27 ET | Landic Property hf.
Hluthafafundur Landic Property hf. var haldinn í dag 29. júní 2009. Breyting á dagskrá fundarins var samþykkt, þannig að ein tillaga um breytingu á samþykktum félagsins var lögð fram og samþykkt:...
Results of Landic Property hf's shareholders meeting held 29 June 2009
29. Juni 2009 11:27 ET | Landic Property hf.
The Landic Property hf shareholders meeting was held today, 29 June 2009. Proposal was submitted and approved to change the agenda. One proposal was submitted and approved to amend the Company's...
Landic Property hf's shareholders meeting will be held on 29 June 2009
22. Juni 2009 05:23 ET | Landic Property hf.
A Shareholders Meeting of Landic Property hf. will be held at the company´s office at Kringlunni 4-12, Reykjavík on Monday, 29 June 2009 at 11:00 AM. Agenda: 1.Main proposals of the Board of...
Hluthafafundur Landic Property verður haldinn mánudaginn 29. júní 2009
22. Juni 2009 05:23 ET | Landic Property hf.
Hluthafafundur Landic Property hf. verður haldinn í höfuðstöðvum félagsins, Kringlunni 4-12 í Reykjavík, mánudaginn 29. júní 2009 n.k. og hefst kl. 11:00. Dagskrá: 1. Breytingar á samþykktum ...
Three Danish subsidiaries of Landic Property file for bankruptcy.
15. Juni 2009 09:39 ET | Landic Property hf.
The Boards of Directors of Keops Development A/S, Landic Property A/S and Landic Investment A/S have today filed for bankruptcy at the Copenhagen Maritime and Commercial court. None of Landic...
Þrjú dönsk dótturfélög Landic Property hf. leggja fram beiðni um gjaldþrotaskipti
15. Juni 2009 09:39 ET | Landic Property hf.
Stjórnir þriggja danskra dótturfélaga Landic Property hf., Keops Development A/S, Landic Property A/S og Landic Investment A/S, hafa í dag lagt fram beiðni um gjaldþrotaskipti hjá dómstólum í...
Greiðslustöðvun Landic Property hf. framlengd til 6. ágúst 2009
11. Mai 2009 12:18 ET | Landic Property hf.
Héraðsdómur Reykjavíkur samþykkti í dag beiðni Landic Property hf. um framlengingu á heimild til greiðslustöðvunar til 6. ágúst 2009. ...
Approval of temporary suspension of payments until 6 August 2009
11. Mai 2009 12:18 ET | Landic Property hf.
The District Court of Reykjavik has today approved that the temporary suspension of payments for Landic Property hf. has been extended until 6 August 2009. ...
Tilkynning frá Landic Property hf. um fjárhagsstöðu félagsins
04. Mai 2009 11:48 ET | Landic Property hf.
Eins og áður hefur komið fram vinnur Landic Property hf. að fjárhagslegri endurskipulagningu á rekstri félagsins. Þann 16. apríl tilkynnti félagið að gengið hefði verið frá sölu á fasteignasafni...
Information on the financial position of Landic Property hf.
04. Mai 2009 11:48 ET | Landic Property hf.
As previously announced Landic Property is conducting a financial restructuring of the business. On 16 April 2009 the company announced that it had completed the sale of Finnish subsidiaries and...