- SPRON and Kaupthing merger cancelled
14. Oktober 2008 05:25 ET
It is clear, that after the Financial Supervisory Authority in Iceland
appointed a receivership committee, which assumed the role of the Board of
Directors of Kaupthing bank, that the merger of...
Competition Authority approves merger of SPRON and Kaupthing
26. September 2008 12:33 ET
The Competition Authority has approved the merger of SPRON hf. and Kaupthing
hf. The boards of both groups received a letter from the Competion Authority
stating that the merger has been approved....
Samkeppniseftirlitið samþykkir samruna SPRON og Kaupþings
26. September 2008 12:33 ET
Samkeppniseftirlitið hefur samþykkt samruna SPRON hf. og Kaupþings hf. Stjórnum
beggja félaga barst í dag bréf frá Samkeppniseftirlitinu þess efnis að samruni
SPRON og Kaupþings hafi verið...
Kristján Harðarson lætur af störfum hjá SPRON
02. September 2008 10:48 ET
Kristján Harðarson mun láta af störfum sem framkvæmdastjóri viðskiptaþróunar
hjá SPRON þann 1. nóvember næstkomandi. Kristján hefur starfað hjá SPRON frá
árinu 2001. Kristján mun hefja störf í...
Kristjan Hardarson resigns from his position at SPRON
02. September 2008 10:48 ET
Kristjan Hardarson resigns from his position as a Director of Product
Development at SPRON, as of 1 of November. Mr Hardarson has worked for
SPRON since 2001. He will assume a similiar position at...
Ragnar Guðgeirsson lætur af störfum hjá SPRON
08. August 2008 05:50 ET
Ragnar Guðgeirsson lætur af störfum sem framkvæmdarstjóri fjárfestinga hjá
SPRON frá og með 8. ágúst, vegna áherslubreytinga í rekstri SPRON.
Nánari upplýsingar veitir:
Guðmundur Hauksson,...
Ragnar Gudgeirsson resigns from his position at SPRON
08. August 2008 05:50 ET
Ragnar Gudgeirsson resigns from his position as a Director of Investments at
SPRON, as of today, the 8 of August, due to changes in management at SPRON.
For further information please...
Niðurstöður hluthafafundar í SPRON
06. August 2008 17:27 ET
Tillagan sem var lögð fyrir hluthafafund í SPRON í dag, þann 6. ágúst 2008
varðandi fyrirhugaðan samruna SPRON og Kaupþings var samþykkt. Greidd voru
3.514.592.047 atkvæði á fundinum, þar af voru...
The results from SPRON's shareholders meeting
06. August 2008 17:27 ET
A shareholders meeting in SPRON held today, the 6 August 2008 on the merger
schedule of SPRON and Kaupthing was approved. Total votes at the meeting was
3.514.592.047, there of was 2.940.908.943...
Statement regarding taxability of shareholders in SPRON
05. August 2008 12:46 ET
Due to media speculation of the taxability of shareholders in SPRON. SPRON
would like to give the following statement.
Few individuals could be taxable and the amounts in question are...