Invik: Modern privat kapitalförvaltning MPK fortsätter sin expansion
April 05, 2001 06:00 ET
JPS har c a 200 kunder och förvaltar c a 400 Mkr. Invik & Co. AB Styrelsen För ytterligare information kontakta: Thomas Jönsson, VD Invik & CO. AB, tel 08-562 000 20 Gunnar Ericsson, VD Modern...
Rekordhøy produksjon - historisk lave utslipp
April 05, 2001 06:00 ET
Orkla ASA
Borregaard Fabrikker i Sarpsborg hadde i 2000 rekordhøy produksjon i flere fabrikker. Til tross for dette var utslippene til vann og luft historisk lave for flere typer utslipp.
Det er særlig...
The Board was re-elected at SEB´s Annual General Meeting
April 05, 2001 06:00 ET
At SEB´s Annual General Meeting held today, 5 April 2001, the following Members of the Board were re-elected: Jacob Wallenberg, Claes Dahlbäck, Penny Hughes, Urban Jansson, Tuve Johannesson,...
Television broadcasting licence in Norway
April 05, 2001 04:52 ET
The Ministry of Cultural Affairs today released an English version of the invitation to tender nationwide terrestrial television broadcasting licence in Norway.
Please find more information at:...
Metso Supplies Materials Technology to CERN
April 05, 2001 03:25 ET
Metso Corporation
HELSINKI, Finland, April 5, 2001 (PRIMEZONE) - Metso Corporation (NYSE:MX).
Metso Powdermet, part of Metso Engineering, is supplying parts manufactured from powder metallurgy for the particle...
April 05, 2001 03:03 ET
Metso Corporation
The most important part of the more than EUR 3 billion LHC project is the particle accelerator located in a 27-kilometre-long ring-shaped tunnel. Metso Powdermet will supply the 2500 or so end covers,...
April 05, 2001 03:02 ET
Metso Corporation
Kokonaiskustannuksiltaan yli kolmen miljardin euron LHC-hankkeen keskeisin osa on hiukkaskiihdytin, joka sijoitetaan 27 kilometriä pitkään rengasmaiseen tunneliin. Kiihdytin muodostuu peräkkäisistä...
Amer hankkii omia osakkeitaan
April 05, 2001 03:00 ET
Amer Sports Oyj
Amer-yhtymän hallitus on päättänyt aloittaa omien osakkeiden hankinnan julkisessa kaupankäynnissä varsinaisen yhtiökokouksen 7.3.2001 antaman valtuutuksen perusteella. Yhtiökokouksen päätöksen mukaan...
Amer Group to repurchase own shares
April 05, 2001 03:00 ET
Amer Sports Oyj
Amer Group Plc's Board of Directors has resolved to start to repurchase the Company's own shares from the market at share prices based on the authorisation given by the Annual General Meeting to the...
Law Offices of Lionel Z. Glancy Announces Class Periods and Deadlines For Lead Plaintiff Motions - CAMP, NPNTQ, BRCM, ADAP
April 04, 2001 19:45 ET
Glancy Binkow & Goldberg LLP
LOS ANGELES, Calif., April 4, 2001 (PRIMEZONE) -- The following is an announcement by the Law Offices of Lionel Z. Glancy: California Amplifier Corporation; NorthPoint Communciations Group, Inc.;...
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