Rudolph Receives 300mm Metrology Tool Orders from Major Japanese Manufacturers
August 29, 2000 07:00 ET | Rudolph Technologies
Flanders, N.J., August 29, 2000 (PRIMEZONE) -- Rudolph Technologies, Inc. (Nasdaq:RTEC) today announced that two major semiconductor manufacturers in Japan have placed multi-million dollar orders for...
August 29, 2000 06:18 ET | Ahold Delhaize
28 augustus 2000 Persconferentie Ahold-halfjaarcijfers Public Relations Geachte redactie, Graag nodig ik u uit voor de persconferentie bij de publicatie van de Ahold-resultaten over het tweede...
August 29, 2000 06:18 ET | Ahold Delhaize
August 29, 2000 Press Conference Public Relations Dear Editor, It is my pleasure to invite you to the press conference on the occasion of Ahold´s 2000 first half-year and second quarter results....
August 29, 2000 06:00 ET | FLSmidth A/S
Bestyrelsen for FLS Industries A/S har i dag behandlet og vedtaget beretning og regnskab for 1. halvår 2000.Regnskabsmeddelelsen er tilgængelig via internettet på...
Half-yearly report
August 29, 2000 06:00 ET | FLSmidth A/S
The Board of Directors of FLS Industries A/S has today reviewed and adopted the report and accounts for the first half of 2000.The report is available via the Internet at...
SEB största aktören
SEB största aktören på sparandemarknaden-Sparande i fondförsäkring står för enda uppgången - övrigt sparande går ned
August 29, 2000 06:00 ET | SEB
De sex stora aktörerna har tillsammans 82,6 procent av sparandemarknaden och förvaltar totalt 1 793 miljarder kronor av svenskarnas förmögenhet.   Om de statliga sparformerna samt svenskarnas...
Executive appointment at Royal Ahold
August 29, 2000 05:46 ET | Ahold Delhaize
Zaandam, The Netherlands, August 29, 2000 – Royal Ahold, the international food provider, has appointed Jan Pieter Herweijer Senior Vice President Information Systems and Technology (IS & T),...
Benoeming IT-Concerndirecteur Ahold
August 29, 2000 05:46 ET | Ahold Delhaize
Zaandam, 29 augustus 2000 – Bij Koninklijke Ahold is de heer Jan Pieter Herweijer (50) per 1 september a.s. benoemd tot Concerndirecteur Informatiesystemen en Technologie (IS & T). In deze functie zal...
Sygn Software Goes For the American Market
August 29, 2000 05:33 ET | Sygn Software
SWEDEN, August 29, 2000 (PRIMEZONE) -- Sygn Software will now concentrate its efforts in the American market. During this spring, an affiliated company, Sygn Software Inc., has been established in...
StreetFusion Hosts Live and On-Demand Webcast of Second Quarter Earnings Conference Call for Mitchell Energy and Development Corporation
August 29, 2000 05:00 ET | StreetFusion
SAN FRANCISCO, August 29, 2000 (PRIMEZONE) -- Mitchell Energy & Development Corporation (NYSE:MND) will webcast their second quarter earnings conference call live on StreetFusion, the network for...