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Norsk Hydro ASA - Fortsatt høy kontantinntjening i tredje kvartal.
October 15, 2001 04:03 ET | Norsk Hydro
Norsk Hydro's resultat etter skatt ble i tredje kvartal 1.333 millioner kroner, en nedgang på 2.563 millioner kroner sammenlignet med tredje kvartal 2000, og svakere enn resultatet i de to første...
Nordic American Tanker Shipping Ltd. (NAT) - Management's discussion and analysis of financial condition and results as of September 30, 2001
October 15, 2001 04:03 ET | Nordic American Tankers Limited
Overview   In September 1995, the Company offered and sold to the public 11,731,613 Warrants at the initial public offering price of $5.00 per Warrant. The exercise price of a Warrant was...
Nokia esittelee uuden GPRS-terminaalin ja sovelluskehitystyökaluja koneiden väliseen kommunikaatioon
October 15, 2001 03:00 ET | Nokia Oyj
Nokia on tänään julkistanut uusia Nokia M2M -sovellusalustaan pohjautuvia tuotteita koneiden väliseen kommunikaatioon Münchenissä Saksassa alkaneilla Systems-messuilla. Edistyksellinen M2M-tuoteperhe...
Nokia introduces a new GPRS terminal and support tools for M2M Business
October 15, 2001 03:00 ET | Nokia Oyj
Nokia has today unveiled a series of new Nokia M2M Platform products and support tools at the Systems Fair in Munich, Germany. The advanced M2M Platform family consists of the new editions of the...
Amer Group's financi
Amer Group's financial reporting in 2002
October 15, 2001 03:00 ET | Amer Sports Oyj
Amer Group Plc's 2001 results will be published on Thursday, 7 February 2002 and the 2001 Annual Report during week 10. Amer's Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday, 21 March 2002 at the...
Amerin tulostiedotus
Amerin tulostiedotus vuonna 2002
October 15, 2001 03:00 ET | Amer Sports Oyj
Amer julkistaa vuoden 2001 tilinpäätöstiedotteen torstaina 7. helmikuuta 2002. Vuoden 2001 vuosikertomus julkistetaan viikolla 10.   Amer-yhtymä Oyj:n yhtiökokous pidetään yhtiön...
October 15, 2001 02:22 ET | Sponda Oy
Sales in the 12-months period October 2000 - September 2001 totalled FIM 1,586 million (266.8 Meuro). This was a 0.8% increase on the corresponding period in the previous year (FIM 1,574 million,...
October 15, 2001 02:20 ET | Sponda Oy
12 kuukauden myynti jaksolla lokakuu 2000 - syyskuu 2001 oli 1 586 Mmk (266,8 Me) eli 0,8 % suurempi kuin vastaavana jaksona edellisenä vuonna (1 574 Mmk, 264,8 Me). Kauppakeskus Itäkeskus on Sponda...
OTI (On Track Innovations): EasyPark Nominated for Sesame Transportation Award
October 15, 2001 02:18 ET | OTI On Track Innovations Inc.
ROSH PINA, Israel, Oct. 15, 2001 (PRIMEZONE) -- EasyPark, the in-vehicle parking solution developed by EasyPark Ltd., a subsidiary of OTI (GER:OT5), has been selected as a finalist for the SESAMES...
Default Company Logo for Wechsler Harwood LLP
Wechsler Harwood Halebian & Feffer LLP Announces Class Periods -- DQE
October 14, 2001 17:47 ET | Harwood Feffer LLP
NEW YORK, Oct. 14, 2001 (PRIMEZONE) -- Notice to persons who transacted in the following securities and respective class periods: CORPORATION CLASS PERIOD DUE DATE ...