- Beiðni um að hlutir Alfesca hf. verði teknir úr viðskiptum
September 30, 2009 06:27 ET
Alfesca hf.
Yfirtökutilboði Lur Berri Iceland ehf. til hluthafa Alfesca hf. lauk þann 17.
ágúst 2009. Í kjölfarið fór fram innlausn í samræmi við gildandi reglur á
hlutum í eigu hluthafa sem tilboðið beindist að...
- Request for the removal of shares in Alfesca hf. from trading
September 30, 2009 06:27 ET
Alfesca hf.
The takeover bid for Alfesca hf. by Lur Berri Iceland ehf. expired on 17 August
2009. Subsequently, shares held by shareholders to whom the offer was made but
not accepted were redeemed in accordance...
- Innlausnartímabili lýkur
September 24, 2009 08:51 ET
Alfesca hf.
Innlausnartímabili vegna hluta í Alfesca hf. lauk kl. 12:00 fimmtudaginn 24.
september 2009. Hlutir í eigu annarra hluthafa en samstarfsaðila verða fluttir
til Lur Berri Iceland ehf. og greiðsla fyrir...
- Redemption period ends
September 24, 2009 08:51 ET
Alfesca hf.
The redemption period for the shares in Alfesca hf. ended at 12:00 p.m. on
Thursday, 24 September 2009. Shares held by other shareholders than those
comprising the Consortium will be transferred to...
- Lur Berri - date of transaction 24 September 2009
September 24, 2009 08:50 ET
Alfesca hf.
See attachment.
- Lur Berri - dags. viðskipta 24. september 2009
September 24, 2009 08:50 ET
Alfesca hf.
Sjá upplýsingar um flöggun í viðhengi.
-Date of transaction 22 September 2009
September 22, 2009 13:09 ET
Alfesca hf.
See attachment.
-Date of transaction 22 September 2009
September 22, 2009 13:05 ET
Alfesca hf.
See attachment.