Eik Banki P/F udsteder variabelt forrentet obligationslån
June 22, 2010 06:16 ET | Eik Banki P/F
Eik Banki P/F udsteder den 28. juni 2010 et variabelt forrentet obligationslån på nominelt DKK Obligationslånet udgør seniorkapital og forrentes med en variabel, kvartårlig kuponrente i...
Eik Banki P/F issues floating-rate bonds
June 22, 2010 06:16 ET | Eik Banki P/F
On 28 June 2010, Eik Banki P/F will issue new senior capital in the form of DKK denominated floating-rate bonds. The issue will have a nominal value of DKK 2,000,000,000 and has been acquired in...
Eik Banki P/F udsteder variabelt-forrentede obligationer
June 22, 2010 06:09 ET | Eik Banki P/F
Eik Banki udsteder den 30. juni 2010 ny seniorkapital i form af DKK-denominerede variabelt-forrentede obligationer, som Eik Banki har mulighed for at førtidsindfri. Udstedelsen udgør nominelt DKK...
Eik Banki P/F issues floating-rate bonds
June 22, 2010 06:09 ET | Eik Banki P/F
On 30 June 2010, Eik Banki will issue new senior capital in the form of DKK-denominated floating-rate bonds, which Eik Banki has, the option of redeeming early. The issue will have a nominal value of...
Eik Banki P/F issues floating-rate bonds
June 22, 2010 06:09 ET | Eik Banki P/F
On 30 June 2010, Eik Banki will issue new senior capital in the form of DKK-denominated floating-rate bonds, which Eik Banki has, the option of redeeming early. The issue will have a nominal value of...
Eik Banki P/F issues floating-rate bonds
June 22, 2010 05:53 ET | Eik Banki P/F
On 30 June 2010, Eik Banki will issue new senior capital in the form of DKK-denominated floating-rate bonds, which Eik Banki has, the option of redeeming early. The issue will have a nominal value of...
Eik Banki P/F issues floating-rate bonds
June 22, 2010 05:53 ET | Eik Banki P/F
On 30 June 2010, Eik Banki will issue new senior capital in the form of DKK-denominated floating-rate bonds, which Eik Banki has, the option of redeeming early. The issue will have a nominal value of...
Eik Banki P/F udsteder variabelt-forrentede obligationer
June 22, 2010 05:53 ET | Eik Banki P/F
Eik Banki udsteder den 30. juni 2010 ny seniorkapital i form af DKK-denominerede variabelt-forrentede obligationer, som Eik Banki har mulighed for at førtidsindfri. Udstedelsen udgør nominelt DKK...
1kvartalsregnskab 2010 for Eik Banki P/F
May 20, 2010 05:05 ET | Eik Banki P/F
Hermed fremsendes 1kvartalsregnskab 2010 for Eik Banki P/F samt pressemeddelelse og et sammendrag af årsregnskabet på færøsk. Med venlig hilsen Marner Jacobsen Finn Danberg Adm. direktør ...
1 Quarter Report 2010
May 20, 2010 05:05 ET | Eik Banki P/F
Please find enclosed Eik Banki P/F's 1 Quarter Report 2010 as well as Press Release and a Faroese summary of the 1 Quarter Report 2010. Sincerely Marner Jacobsen Finn Danberg Group CEO ...