Additional Agenda It
Additional Agenda Items of the AGM of AS Olainfarm to be Held on June 05, 2018
May 17, 2018 04:41 ET | Olainfarm
Additional Agenda Items of the AGM of AS Olainfarm to be Held on June 05, 2018 Management board of Joint Stock Company “Olainfarm” hereby informs that the following additional items...
Paziņojums par papil
Paziņojums par papildu jautājumu iekļaušanu AS “Olainfarm” kārtējās akcionāru sapulces, kas notiks 2018.g. 05.jūnijā, darba kārtībā
May 17, 2018 04:41 ET | Olainfarm
Paziņojums par papildu jautājumu iekļaušanu AS “Olainfarm” kārtējās akcionāru sapulces, kas notiks 2018.g. 05.jūnijā, darba kārtībā Akciju sabiedrības “Olainfarm” Valde paziņo, ka kārtējās...
Amatam AS “Olainfarm
Amatam AS “Olainfarm” padomē tiek izvirzīts Ainārs Ozols
May 15, 2018 09:16 ET | Olainfarm
Amatam AS “Olainfarm” padomē tiek izvirzīts Ainārs Ozols Ar šo AS “Olainfarm” informē, ka ir saņēmusi akcionāru grupas priekšlikumu ievēlēt Aināru Ozolu par AS “Olainfarm” padomes locekli.  Ozola...
Ainars Ozols Nominat
Ainars Ozols Nominated for Council Membership of AS Olainfarm
May 15, 2018 09:16 ET | Olainfarm
Ainars Ozols Nominated for Council Membership of AS Olainfarm AS Olainfarm hereby informs that it has received a proposal from the group of shareholders to elect Mr. Ainars Ozols to be the member of...
Report of the Superv
Report of the Supervisory Council of JSC „Olainfarm” to the General Meeting of Shareholders
May 11, 2018 10:27 ET | Olainfarm
Report of the Supervisory Council of JSC „Olainfarm” to the General Meeting of Shareholders Supervisory Council of JSC „Olainfarm” has read the Consolidated and Parent Company’s Annual reports for...
AS „Olainfarm” Padom
AS „Olainfarm” Padomes ziņojums kārtējai akcionāru sapulcei
May 11, 2018 10:27 ET | Olainfarm
AS „Olainfarm” Padomes ziņojums kārtējai akcionāru sapulcei Akciju sabiedrības „Olainfarm” Padome ir iepazinusies ar Sabiedrības Valdes sagatavoto konsolidēto un koncerna mātes uzņēmuma 2017. gada...
Papildus darba kārtī
Papildus darba kārtības jautājumi AS “Olainfarm” akcionāru sapulcei 2018.gada 5. jūnijā
May 10, 2018 10:30 ET | Olainfarm
Papildus darba kārtības jautājumi AS “Olainfarm” akcionāru sapulcei 2018.gada 5. jūnijā Ar šo AS “Olainfarm” informē, ka akcionārs SIA “Olmafarm” ir iesniedzis priekšlikumu par sekojošu  papildus...
Additional Agenda It
Additional Agenda Items For AGM Of JSC Olainfarm To Be Held On June 5, 2018
May 10, 2018 10:30 ET | Olainfarm
Additional Agenda Items For AGM Of JSC Olainfarm To Be Held On June 5, 2018  JSC Olainfarm hereby informs, that shareholder SIA Olmafarm has submitted proposal to include the following additional...
Proposal of the Mana
Proposal of the Management Board of JSC “Olainfarm”
May 02, 2018 09:48 ET | Olainfarm
Proposal of the Management Board of JSC “Olainfarm”regarding distribution of profit of 2017 Olaine                                                                                     May 02nd, 2018...
AS „Olainfarm” Valde
AS „Olainfarm” Valdes priekšlikumi
May 02, 2018 09:48 ET | Olainfarm
AS „Olainfarm” Valdes priekšlikumipar 2017. gada peļņas izlietošanu Olainē                                                                                                    2018.gada 02.maijā ...