SAS koncernen slutför försäljning och leaseback av 19 reservmotorer
February 28, 2013 09:00 ET | SAS AB
Som en del av SAS nya plan, 4 Excellence Next Generation 4XNG, som nyligen lanserades för att förbättra den finansiella ställningen för SAS-gruppen, har SAS tecknat ett avtal om försäljning och...
SAS Group Finalizes Sale & Leaseback of 19 Spare Engines
February 28, 2013 09:00 ET | SAS AB
As part of the recently launched plan to improve the financial position of SAS Group, 4 Excellence Next Generation (4XNG), SAS has signed an agreement for the sale and leaseback of 19 spare...
SAS introduces EuroBonus points for domestic business travelers
February 26, 2013 02:45 ET | SAS AB
Business travelers who take domestic flights in Norway will soon be able to gain the rewards and benefits that EuroBonus members in the rest of world can enjoy. SAS is now set to introduce its...
SAS innfører EuroBonus for jobbreisende innenriks
February 26, 2013 02:45 ET | SAS AB
Jobbreisende som flyr innenriks i Norge vil i løpet av kort tid få muligheten til å dra nytte av alle produktfordelene som EuroBonus-medlemmer i resten av verden allerede nyter godt av. SAS vil nå...
SAS koncernens årsredovisning 2012
February 15, 2013 08:55 ET | SAS AB
Vid styrelsemöte i SAS AB har SAS koncernens och moderbolaget SAS AB:s årsredovisning för 2012 (januari-oktober) lagts fram och godkänts. Årsredovisningen finns nu tillgänglig på internet,...
SAS Group’s Annual Report 2012
February 15, 2013 08:55 ET | SAS AB
The Board of Directors of SAS AB has held a meeting where the annual report for 2012 (January – October) for SAS Group and the parent company SAS AB was presented and approved. The annual report is...
SAS AB (publ) utfärdar kallelse till årsstämma den 20 mars 2013
February 14, 2013 07:00 ET | SAS AB
Aktieägarna i SAS AB (publ) kallas härmed till årsstämma onsdagen den 20 mars 2013. Årsstämman äger rum kl. 14.00 på Clarion Hotel, Arlanda Airport, Stockholm -Arlanda. Aktieägare äger även rätt att...
SAS AB (publ) announces notice to the Annual General Meeting on 20 March 2013
February 14, 2013 07:00 ET | SAS AB
Shareholders in SAS AB (publ) are hereby invited to attend the Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 20 March 2013. The Annual General Meeting will be held at 2 p.m. at Clarion Hotel, Arlanda Airport,...
The SAS Group Traffic figures January 2013
February 07, 2013 05:00 ET | SAS AB
SAS Group's January 2013 traffic figures • SAS Group carried 1.9 million passengers in January, down 0.2%. • SAS Group’s capacity (ASK) was up by 4.6% and the Group’s traffic (RPK) increased by...
The SAS Group Traffic figures December 2012
January 11, 2013 05:00 ET | SAS AB
• SAS Group carried 1.8 million passengers in December, down 2.6%, reflecting different holiday pattern. • SAS Group’s capacity (ASK) was up by 3% and the Group’s traffic (RPK) increased by 2.4%. •...