SAS Group’s financial year to be changed following decision from the Swedish Tax Agency
May 22, 2012 03:00 ET | SAS AB
SAS AB has received the final permit from the Swedish Tax Agency regarding change of the financial year according to resolution at the SAS Annual General Meeting in April 2012. The SAS Group plans to...
SAS och Singapore Airlines undertecknar ett joint venture-avtal mellan Skandinavien och Singapore
May 11, 2012 05:05 ET | SAS AB
Verkställande direktörerna för Scandinavian Airlines och Singapore Airlines, Rickard Gustafson och Goh Choon Phong, undertecknade idag ett joint venture -avtal i Singapore. Detta följer det Memorandum...
SAS and Singapore Airlines sign joint venture agreement between Scandinavia and Singapore
May 11, 2012 05:05 ET | SAS AB
The CEOs of Scandinavian Airlines and Singapore Airlines, Rickard Gustafson and Goh Choon Phong, today signed a joint venture agreement in Singapore. This follows the Memorandum of Understanding that...
SAS Group's April 2012 traffic figure
May 08, 2012 05:00 ET | SAS AB
• SAS Group carried 2.3 million passengers in April.SAS Group’s capacity (ASK) increased by 6.2%. • SAS Group's traffic (RPK) increased by 7.9%. • The passenger load factor increased by 1.2 p.u. to...
SAS Group Interim Report January-March 2012
May 03, 2012 02:00 ET | SAS AB
Strengthened cash flow but negative earnings as forecast -    continued challenges in 2012 -    4Excellence measures corresponding to SEK 5 billion to be implemented Key ratios January-March 2012 ·...
SAS koncernen Delårsrapport Januari-Mars 2012
May 03, 2012 02:00 ET | SAS AB
Stärkt kassaflöde men negativt resultat som förväntat -    fortsatta utmaningar under 2012 -    4Excellence åtgärder motsvarande 5 miljarder SEK implementeras Nyckeltal Januari-Mars 2012 ·...
SAS to divest six properties to Swedavia for SEK 1.8 billion
April 30, 2012 06:55 ET | SAS AB
As a step in the overall strategy to focus on its core business, the SAS Group has signed an agreement with Swedavia to divest six properties at Arlanda in Stockholm, Landvetter in Gothenburg and...
SAS avyttrar sex fastigheter till Swedavia för 1,8 miljarder SEK
April 30, 2012 06:55 ET | SAS AB
Som ett led i den övergripande strategin att fokusera på kärnverksamheten har SAS koncernen tecknat ett avtal med Swedavia om försäljning av sex fastigheter på Arlanda, Landvetter i Göteborg och...
Apollo signs record-size contract with SAS
April 27, 2012 05:00 ET | SAS AB
Swedish travel operator Apollo has signed a record-sized deal with SAS worth 920 million Swedish kronor. The agreement includes 4000 flights from 16 Scandinavian cities to more than 20 destinations in...
Apollo skriver rekordavtal med SAS
April 27, 2012 05:00 ET | SAS AB
SAS och Apollo har tecknat ett rekordstort avtal på 920 miljoner kronor som omfattar ca 4000 flygningar under sommarsäsongen 2012 med avgångar från 16 olika orter från Sverige, Norge och Danmark till...