The SAS Group Annual Report for 2007 approved
March 03, 2008 11:31 ET | SAS AB
The SAS Group Annual Report for 2007 approved At a Board meeting today in SAS AB the SAS Group's and the Parent Company SAS AB's Annual for 2007 report was presented and approved. The full 2007...
SAS koncernens årsredovisning för 2007 godkänd
March 03, 2008 11:30 ET | SAS AB
SAS koncernens årsredovisning för 2007 godkänd Vid dagens styrelsemöte i SAS AB framlades och godkändes SAS koncernens och moderbolaget SAS AB:s årsredovisning för 2007. Årsredovisningen för 2007,...
Proposals from the Nomination Committee of SAS AB to the 2008 Annual General Meeting - new Board Chairman and new Board member.
February 11, 2008 03:00 ET | SAS AB
Proposals from the Nomination Committee of SAS AB to the 2008 Annual General Meeting - new Board Chairman and new Board member. The Nomination Committee of SAS AB will propose to the Annual General...
Förslag från valberedningen i SAS AB till årsstämman 2008. Ny styrelseordförande och ny styrelseledamot.
February 11, 2008 03:00 ET | SAS AB
Förslag från valberedningen i SAS AB till årsstämman 2008. Ny styrelseordförande och ny styrelseledamot. Valberedningen i SAS AB kommer att till årsstämman den 9 april 2008 föreslå att Generalkonsul...
SAS Group's January traffic figures
February 08, 2008 05:00 ET | SAS AB
SAS Group's January traffic figures • SAS Group's traffic increased by 4.8% in the first month of the year and seat capacity was up by 6.9% vs 2007. • SAS Group carried 2.3 million passengers in...
SAS Group Year-end Report January-December 2007
February 06, 2008 02:00 ET | SAS AB
SAS Group Year-end Report January-December 2007 Key ratios for the period • Operating revenue: MSEK 54,112 (51,670) (+4.7%) • Number of passengers: 31.2 million (+2.9%) • Spanair is reported as...
SAS koncernen Delårsrapport Januari-December 2007
February 06, 2008 02:00 ET | SAS AB
SAS koncernen Delårsrapport Januari-December 2007 Periodens nyckeltal • Omsättning: 54 112 (51 670) MSEK (+4,7%) • Antal passagerare: 31,2 miljoner (+2,9%) • Spanair redovisas som verksamhet...
Beslut om strukturförändringar för bolag i SAS koncernen
February 05, 2008 12:15 ET | SAS AB
Beslut om strukturförändringar för bolag i SAS koncernen Styrelsen i SAS AB har idag, fattat beslut om den framtida strukturen för SAS Ground Services (SGS), SAS Technical Services (STS) samt...
Decision on structural changes to SAS Group companies
February 05, 2008 12:15 ET | SAS AB
Decision on structural changes to SAS Group companies The Board of Directors of SAS AB has today decided on the future structure of SAS Ground Services (SGS), SAS Technical Services (STS) and Spirit...
SAS Group December traffic figures
January 09, 2008 05:00 ET | SAS AB
SAS Group December traffic figures • SAS Group's traffic increased by 2.9% in December and seat capacity was up by 3.3% vs 2006. • SAS Group carried 2.7 million passengers in December, up 0.3% vs...