TradeDoubler changes the organization
November 03, 2010 03:05 ET | TradeDoubler AB
- Laying the foundation for faster growth than the market TradeDoubler is establishing a new business structure, market structure and organization in line with the strategy announced in October. The...
November 03, 2010 03:00 ET | TradeDoubler AB
Network Increased sales for Network in the third quarter (Numerical data in brackets refers to the corresponding period in 2009 unless otherwise stated.) January - September 2010 ·          Net...
November 03, 2010 03:00 ET | TradeDoubler AB
Ökad omsättning för Network i tredje kvartalet (Sifferuppgifter inom parentes avser motsvarande period 2009 om inget annat anges.) Januari - september 2010 ·          Nettoomsättningen minskade...
Inbjudan till press- och analytikermöte 3 november kl 11.00
October 26, 2010 05:49 ET | TradeDoubler AB
TradeDoublers delårsrapport för perioden januari - september 2010 presenteras onsdagen den 3 november klockan 11.00 på TradeDoublers kontor på Sveavägen 20 i Stockholm. VD och koncernchef Urban...
Invitation to press and analyst meeting at 11:00 CET on November 3
October 26, 2010 05:49 ET | TradeDoubler AB
TradeDoubler's (publ) interim report for January-September 2010 will be presented at 11.00 a.m. CET on Wednesday November 3 at TradeDoubler's office 7(th) floor Sveavägen 20 in Stockholm. President...
TradeDoubler inför ny affärsstruktur
October 05, 2010 05:00 ET | TradeDoubler AB
- kärnverksamheten samlas i Network TradeDoubler inför en ny affärsstruktur från årsskiftet där bolagets kärnverksamhet, Affiliate och Campaign, samlas inom Network. Search och Technology blir...
TradeDoubler introduces new business structure
October 05, 2010 05:00 ET | TradeDoubler AB
- Core business is brought together in Network TradeDoubler introduces a new business structure starting from 2011, in which its core businesses - Affiliate and Campaign - are gathered into Network....
Ny valberedning i TradeDoubler AB (publ)
September 23, 2010 02:00 ET | TradeDoubler AB
Vid årsstämman den 6 maj 2010 antogs direktiv för utseende av en ny valberedning. Valberedningen skall bestå av representanter för de tre till röstetalet största aktieägarna som önskar utse en...
New Nomination Committee in TradeDoubler AB (publ)
September 23, 2010 02:00 ET | TradeDoubler AB
The Annual General Meeting on 6 May 2010 adopted principles for appointing a new Nomination Committee. The Committee shall be composed of representatives appointed by the three largest shareholders...
Invitation to Capital Markets Day
September 01, 2010 08:51 ET | TradeDoubler AB
TradeDoubler welcomes representatives from the financial markets and the media to a Capital Markets Day in Stockholm on 5 October, 2010 from 12.00 p.m. The purpose of the Capital Markets Day is to...