CTC : La huitième hausse consécutive des taux d’intérêt par la Banque du Canada signifie que les travailleurs subiront un autre coup dur
January 25, 2023 10:19 ET | Congrès du travail du Canada
OTTAWA, 25 janv. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Les syndicats du Canada sont déçus de la décision de la banque centrale de poursuivre son resserrement monétaire. Les données les plus récentes sur l’indice...
CLC: Bank Of Canada’s Eighth Consecutive Rate Hike Means Workers Will Take Another Hit
January 25, 2023 10:19 ET | Canadian Labour Congress
OTTAWA, Jan. 25, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Canada’s unions are disappointed by the central bank’s decision to continue with its monetary tightening. The most recent consumer price index numbers in...
Les hommes et femmes politiques doivent collaborer pour trouver des solutions pour les travailleurs et travailleuses en difficulté du Canada
January 24, 2023 11:28 ET | Congrès du travail du Canada
OTTAWA, 24 janv. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Au moment où la retraite du cabinet se termine et où tous les partis s’apprêtent à rentrer au parlement lundi prochain, les syndicats du Canada incitent à...
Politicians Must Collaborate to Find Solutions for Canada’s Struggling Workers
January 24, 2023 11:28 ET | Canadian Labour Congress
OTTAWA, Jan. 24, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- As the cabinet retreat adjourns and all parties prepare for the return of Parliament next Monday, Canada’s unions are urging cooperation and collaboration...
Nearly Two-Thirds of Ontarians Are Spending Over 30% of Their Household Budget on Housing
December 20, 2022 11:30 ET | Ontario Real Estate Association
TORONTO, Dec. 20, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- New polling released today by the Ontario Real Estate Association (OREA) confirms that the rising cost of living is greatly impacting Ontario’s families –...
Les syndicats du Canada élèvent tout le monde
December 15, 2022 08:00 ET | Congrès du travail du Canada
OTTAWA, 15 déc. 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- La session parlementaire vient de se terminer, et les syndicats du Canada profitent de l’occasion pour célébrer les progrès réalisés cette année dans...
Canada’s Unions Are Lifting Everyone Up
December 15, 2022 08:00 ET | Canadian Labour Congress
OTTAWA, Dec. 15, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The current parliamentary session has drawn to a close, and Canada’s unions are taking the opportunity to celebrate the progress made this year for...
The Bank’s Forgotten Mandate: Support Maximum Sustainable Employment
December 13, 2022 09:02 ET | Canadian Labour Congress
OTTAWA, Dec. 13, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- A year after the Bank of Canada received a new mandate, Canada’s unions are asking what happened to the new directions that added employment considerations...
Missed Opportunity to Push Pause on Rate Hikes and Put People First
December 07, 2022 10:11 ET | Canadian Labour Congress
OTTAWA, Dec. 07, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Canada’s unions reacted with disappointment to the Bank of Canada’s decision today to rush ahead with the seventh interest rate hike this year. “Economists...
Canada’s Unions Welcome New Protections for Workers’ Pensions
November 23, 2022 16:02 ET | Canadian Labour Congress
OTTAWA, Nov. 23, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Canada’s unions are happy to see Bill C-228 passed in the House of Commons today. This bill aimed to ensure that in the event of an employer becoming...