BTS Group AB Acquires The Finnish Company -- Business Game Factory Ltd.
05 déc. 2005 07h29 HE
BTS Group
STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Dec. 5, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- BTS Group AB (publ), BTS, the world's largest and most successful consultant and training company within the segment of business simulations, has...
BTS Group AB (publ) Interim Report 1 January-30 September 2005
21 oct. 2005 02h19 HE
BTS Group
STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Oct. 21, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- BTS Group AB:
-- During the nine-month period, net turnover rose by 34 percent
and amounted to MSEK 205.8 (154.1). Adjusted for changes in
Teleconference Invitation: BTS Group's Interim Report for January -- September 2005
19 oct. 2005 05h47 HE
BTS Group
STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Oct. 19, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- BTS Group AB (publ) (XSSE: BTS B) announces that on Friday, October 21, at approximately 08.00 a.m. BTS will publish its January -- September 2005...
BTS Group -- Year-end Report 1 January -- 31 December 2004
04 févr. 2005 02h13 HE
BTS Group
STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Feb. 04, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- BTS Group:
-- Net turnover during the year increased by 27 per cent to MSEK 205.9
(162.2). Adjusted for changes in exchange rates, growth...
Leading US media and entertainment company new client with BTS
26 févr. 2004 08h03 HE
BTS Group
STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Feb. 26, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- BTS has been hired by a leading US media and entertainment organization to develop an executive development program for senior leaders from across...
BTS Group AB (publ) Interim Report January 1 - March 31 2003
24 avr. 2003 02h19 HE
BTS Group
STOCKHOLM, Sweden, April 24, 2003 (PRIMEZONE) -- BTS Group AB (Other OTC:BGPBF) (Stockholm:BTSb):
During the first quarter, net turnover rose by 15 percent, totalling MSEK 37.2 (32.2) Adjusted for...
Nokia -- New Client for BTS
24 avr. 2003 02h07 HE
BTS Group
STOCKHOLM, Sweden, April 24, 2003 (PRIMEZONE) -- Nokia has commissioned BTS (Other OTC:BGPBF) (Stockholm:BTSb) to develop a web-based simulation to strengthen the business acumen of their managers...
Royal Mail, New Client for BTS -- Assignment Worth Approximately 4 MSEK
07 nov. 2002 04h57 HE
BTS Group
STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Nov. 7, 2002 (PRIMEZONE) -- Royal Mail, the U.K.'s postal group, has asked BTS (Other OTC:BGPBF) (Stockholm:BTSb) to develop a programme for initially up to 200 senior managers....
BTS Group: Interim Report, 1 January - 30 June 2002
23 août 2002 07h22 HE
BTS Group
STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Aug. 23, 2002 (PRIMEZONE) -- BTS Group:
- Net turnover during the first half of the year fell by 11 per cent
to MSEK 90.8 (102.6)
- Results for the first six months:...
NCR -- New BTS Client
02 avr. 2002 06h59 HE
BTS Group
STOCKHOLM, Sweden, April 2, 2002 (PRIMEZONE) -- NCR Corporation, a leading provider of Relationship Technology solutions to customers worldwide, has contracted BTS to develop a programme of executive...