Maconomy wins strategic deal with leading UK Learning, Research, and Consulting Group
11 juin 2009 10h50 HE | Maconomy A/S
OMX Nordic Exchange Copenhagen A/S Announcement no. 15/2009 Maconomy wins strategic deal with leading UK Learning, Research, and Consulting Group Copenhagen, June 11th 2009. Maconomy UK has...
Maconomy indgår strategisk aftale med førende britisk uddannelses-, forsknings- og konsulentorganisation
11 juin 2009 10h50 HE | Maconomy A/S
Nasdaq OMX København Meddelelse nr. 15/2009 Maconomy indgår strategisk aftale med førende britisk uddannelses-, forsknings- og konsulentorganisation København, 11. juni 2009. Maconomy UK...
09 juin 2009 09h58 HE | Maconomy A/S
NASDAQ OMX København Meddelelse nr. 14/2009 Kapitaludvidelse København, 9. juni 2009. Bestyrelsen i Maconomy A/S har i dag besluttet at udnytte dele af bemyndigelsen i selskabets vedtægter §...
Capital increase
09 juin 2009 09h58 HE | Maconomy A/S
NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen Announcement no. 14/2009 Capital increase Copenhagen, 9 June 2009. The Board of Directors of Maconomy A/S has decided to use part of the autho-risation in the company's...
Konstituering af bestyrelsen
30 avr. 2009 06h24 HE | Maconomy A/S
NASDAQ OMX København Meddelelse nr. 13/2009 Ordinær generalforsamling 2009 -...
Election of Chairman and Deputy Chairman
30 avr. 2009 06h24 HE | Maconomy A/S
NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen Announcement no. 13/2009 Annual General Meeting 2008 - Election of Chairman and Deputy Chairman Copenhagen, 30 April 2009. At a Board Meeting following Maconomy's...
Maconomy CFO Klaus Juhl Wulff leaves the company
30 avr. 2009 05h54 HE | Maconomy A/S
NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen Announcement no. 12/2009 Maconomy CFO Klaus Juhl Wulff...
Maconomys CFO, Klaus Juhl Wulff, fratræder sin stilling
30 avr. 2009 05h54 HE | Maconomy A/S
NASDAQ OMX København Meddelelse nr. 12/2009 Maconomys CFO, Klaus Juhl Wulff,...
Ekstrakt fra referat af generalforsamling
29 avr. 2009 10h37 HE | Maconomy A/S
NASDAQ OMX København Meddelelse nr. 11/2009 Ekstrakt fra referat af generalforsamling Onsdag...
Extract from Minutes of General Meeting
29 avr. 2009 10h37 HE | Maconomy A/S
NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen Announcement no. 11/2009 Extract from Minutes of General...