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Michael Levine
A Press Agent's Advice to Al Gore
23 nov. 1998 18h02 HE | Michael Levine
LOS ANGELES, Nov. 23, 1998 (PRIMEZONE) -- Having handled some of the entertainment industry's biggest celebrities, ranging from Michael Jackson to Charlton Heston, Barbra Streisand, and Nancy...
First Prozac TV Ads Air On Cable
29 sept. 1998 10h43 HE | Michael Levine
LOS ANGELES, Calif., September 29, 1998 (PRIMEZONE) -- The first TV commercials to promote the USA's leading anti-depressant medication hit cable TV this week. Three one-minute commercials from...
Market Hesitates As Homerun Slugfest Continues
24 sept. 1998 10h37 HE | Michael Levine
LOS ANGELES, Calif., September 24, 1998 (PRIMEZONE)-- Mark or Sammy? That's the question sports marketers nationwide are asking themselves. Marketers don't seem to know who to select as their slugger...
Princess Diana: Expert Media Symposium
26 août 1998 17h29 HE | Michael Levine
Who: Michael Levine, former publicist for Dodi Al Fayed and author of the new book, The Princess & The Package, exploring the love hate relationship between Diana and the...