The Van Hees family business operates primarily in the South of the Netherlands in the area of ground preparation, road construction and civil engineering, sand reclamation and demolition activities. With regard to the latter, Van Hees operates, inter alia, a crushing mill. Together with other parties, the company also operates an installation for the production of asphalt. Van Hees will continue its activities under its own name and management within the division Heijmans Infrastructure and Environment

Van Hees' annual net turnover is approximately € 27 million (NLG 60 million). The company employs about 125 people.

The planned take-over corresponds with the strategy of the division Heijmans Infrastructure and Environment, which pursues further expansion and total service to the customers of both Heijmans and Van Hees.

The works councils of the organisations involved have already been approached for advice, trade unions have been informed of the planned take-over. Heijmans expects to complete the take-over around mid June 2000.