Stock Exchange Notification: Repurchase of bonds completed

At the expiry of the acceptance deadline today, Statkraft SF had repurchased bonds with a nominal value of NOK 2,339,200,000 in STAKR01 (ISIN NO 001 016710.9) and NOK 1,388,000,000 in STAKR03 (ISIN NO 001 016705.9). Following this repurchase, the amounts outstanding on the two loans are NOK 2,074,300,000 in STAKR01 and NOK 3,112,000,000 in STAKR03. The bonds were repurchased at a price of 108.88 for STAKR01 and 100.45 for STAKR03.
Statkraft AS has also closed the subscription period for the previously notified new bond loans, which have a 10-year term. A total of NOK 4,000,000,000 was issued for these two loans.
Contact person:
Senior Vice President IR Lisbeth Lindberg, tel:+47 24 06 72 86/+47 995 23 150