Water storage opportunity for residential quality

WaterWonen is topical because, as a delta area, the Netherlands is becoming increasingly wetter as a result of climate change. To prevent flooding, areas will have to be found for storing water. Besides this, the lack of available space is making it increasingly necessary to build on other sites, like river forelands, polders and harbours.
The residential qualities that form the deciding factors for consumers who choose WaterWonen are primarily those of having a panoramic view, peace and quiet, and space. Most people express a preference for pile dwellings, a house built on a mound or along the water's edge. There is less enthusiasm for permanent floating homes. Water contributes to residential quality but homes in wet areas must be waterproof. Nowadays this is technically perfectly feasible. The concepts also include such infrastructure as roadways, parking spaces, and public utilities.
Heijmans is introducing four new, innovative types of home:
1. Detached houses in areas with many fluctuations in water level
The homes - floating and on piles - are situated in river forelands. In these spots the perception of being in the countryside is reinforced by an unrestricted view and maximum space around the house. When the water level is high, the water is the space outside; when it is low a communal park of river forelands appears. Not only that, by creating additional streams and brooks, the water is given even more room.
2. Detached houses in areas with few fluctuations in water level
The homes - floating and on piles - are located in polders. Everything is on a small scale, producing the feeling of living in a neighbourhood or village, with shared public spaces. These WaterWoningen (water homes) could be part of a larger plan. Water storage or water retention is the guiding factor. This implies multiple use of space, in which the specification stretches far further than the residential area. For example, account has to be taken of drainage, settlement and dikes.
3. Urban living
These ground-based homes are located in former urban harbour areas and canal zones, which have been given an attractive identity following revitalisation. They take the form of urban accommodation, with facilities nearby and the water as a 'park' outside the door. These are town houses or apartments with small-scale outdoor space - a wooden platform or a balcony on islands, fingers of land and quay areas in harbours. The revitalisation of these types of locations makes a substantial contribution towards improving the social quality of the towns in question.
4. Active living
These homes are situated in recreational water areas that have an open connection to the sea or to estuaries or to the network of rivers or canals. These small-scale projects represent a 'home port' for those residents who actively take part in water sports. All sorts of WaterWoningen are possible in these locations - from ground-based to floating - with an emphasis on bungalows and apartments.
Heijmans is prepared to make risk-bearing investments. "We want to develop for the residential consumer. These consumers have indicated that WaterWonen is a concept with potential. And we can produce it too. We have various positions we can make use of for developing water homes," according to the Chairman of the Executive Board of Heijmans, Guus Hoefsloot. "Think of Meerstad in Groningen, Zuidplaspolder in South Holland or Groote Wielen in 's-Hertogenbosch. What's more, we can contribute knowledge about area development. We'll be starting three pilot projects soon and the first WaterWonen project could be completed two years from now. In view of the water issues facing the government, public-private partnerships are a serious option for such projects. WaterWonen will then be able to contribute to both the solution and to bearing the cost of measures to keep water out, and to landscape development."
Heijmans does not simply view WaterWonen as a technical challenge. WaterWonen is also all about linking urban development, landscape development and water management. In addition, WaterWonen touches on issues relating to infrastructure, but also legislation, financing and insurance.
To implement WaterWonen successfully, innovative solutions are needed that will have to come about in collaboration with authorities and other parties. Heijmans will act as the initiator and as a partner in discussions and projects relating to WaterWonen. In so doing, it will collaborate with such renowned firms of architects as West 8, Marlies Rohmer, Artes, Benthem & Crouwel, Soeters, Van Eldonck & Ponec and Rapp & Rapp. Furthermore, Heijmans has also embarked on working with experts that include SEV, NIROV, Staatsbosbeheer (the Dutch Forestry Commission), WINN, GIW-SWK and Delta Lloyd.
For more information:
Frank Janssen
Director of Group Communications
+31 73 5435169
Fons van Lith
Director of Investor relations
+31 6 51314952