Heijmans / J.P. van Eesteren consortium to expand Rabobank Nederland administrative centre

The building consortium of Heijmans / J.P. van Eesteren has been selected as the main contractor. They will undertake the project on a 50%-50% basis. Installation operations will be carried out by subcontractors Wolter & Dros and Croon. The consortium's proposal was chosen as 'the most economically favourable offer'. This means selection was done on the basis of a careful consideration of a variety of factors, such as price, quality, durability, planning, risk management and other aspects Rabobank believed to be important in its choice. The total project contracting costs are set at around  EUR130 million.
Construction starts in first quarter of 2007
Following the building consortium agreement, preparatory construction activities are currently planned to begin in the first quarter of 2007. Construction will take around three years. Demolition activities have already been concluded on the site on Utrecht's Croeselaan. Some 98% of the resulting rubble will be re-used. Rabobank is thus demonstrating that the route to sustainable construction begins with sustainable demolition. The new complex is expected to be handed over at the beginning of 2010.
For further information
Frank Janssen                                                        
Director of Group Communications                     
+31 73 543 51 69                                                  
Fons van Lith
Director of Investor Relations
+31 6 51314952
For further information: Rabobank Nederland Press Office
René Loman, +31 30 216 26 22 or e-mail: r.loman@rn.rabobank.nl
Raymond Salet, +31 30 216 27 58 or e-mail r.salet@rn.rabobank.nl