mDialog Debuts First Dynamic Ad-Insertion and Video Solution Platform for HTML5 VOD and Live Streaming on iPad and iPhone

mDialog's New Video as a Service (VaaS) Solution Streamlines Live and VOD Content Preparation and Distribution for the HTML5 Mobile Video Ecosystem With Geo-Targeted Dynamic and To-The-Second Ad Placements

NEW YORK, NY--(Marketwire - April 7, 2010) -  mDialog, a leading mobile video and in-stream ad management platform, today announced the first-to-market robust HTML5 adaptive video streaming service with Dynamic Ad-insertion. mDialog VaaS with dynamic ad-insertion offers feature capabilities previously only available with Flash Video-based solutions. mDialog delivers seamless in-stream ad-insertion, ensuring no gaps between video ads in content on mDialog iPad / iPhone Video Player SDK and HTML5-enabled video browsers, such as Safari for the iPad.

Moving beyond Flash and other plug-in based video players, mDialog is leading the charge for mobile video in-stream ad delivery through enhanced viewing experience and increased relevancy for brand messaging. Advertising content can now be tailored specifically to each and every viewer through mDialog dynamic ad-insertions, placing ads specifically chosen for a given user based on their viewing behavior and location with geo-targeting, day-parting and frequency capping. Additionally, ads can be inserted through three distinct styles of in-stream pre-rolls, mid-rolls and post rolls: to-the-second, dynamic and real-time, allowing broadcasters to go like-for-like with what they are delivering on television and broadband video to mobile users. 

"mDialog offers not only feature parity with desktop Flash video-based players, but provides viewers with a better overall user experience and more nuance in choices and styles of to-the-second ad insertions," commented Greg Philpott, President and Founder, mDialog. "And from a targeting perspective, the geo-targeting, device frequency capping and other means of pinpointing a specific audience are far more accurate with mDialog."

The mDialog in-stream ad solution takes advantage of important new developments in video streaming, namely HTML5 and Adaptive Video Streaming. The benefits of adaptive streaming are clear, but integrating the new protocol into a video ingest workflow and delivery system can be a challenge. For each video to be delivered, it's necessary to create four or five alternate video files using MPEG-4 H.264 at various bitrates/quality. Each file then needs to be wrapped in an MPEG-2 Transport Stream (TS) and segmented into many micro TS files and uploaded to the cloud for streaming. Rather than manually generating this myriad of files for each and every video, mDialog simplifies and automates the processes needed to realize the full potential of the protocol in the Apple mobile ecosystem for a media publisher's video properties.

mDialog's video ingest service features the following:
 --Encode multiple H.264 renditions from your video master
 --Create MPEG-2 Transport Streams for each rendition
 --Create segmented files for each rendition
 --Create multiple image thumbnails for each rendition
 --Securely upload video assets and images to your mDialog account

"When we were first introduced to adaptive streaming, we realized there was a great opportunity for mDialog to include the preparation process in our video ingest service, offering a solution to broadcasters and media publishers for prepping their video libraries," commented Greg Philpott, founder and president of mDialog. "Combining adaptive streaming with our existing HTML5 video expertise positions mDialog as the leading video platform for Apple's mobile devices, specifically the newly launched iPad."

mDialog offers two delivery methods -- embedded HTML5 video via Safari for iPad / iPhone / Mac, and the mDialog Video Player SDK for iPad and iPhone. The mDialog SDK takes advantage of specific features those mobile devices can offer, ultimately enhancing the viewing experience on these breakthrough devices and providing the publisher and advertisers the tools they need to easily stream and monetize their video on mobile. 

For more information, contact Jessica Hasson at

About mDialog
The mDialog platform is a real-time, Video as a Service (VaaS) solution that provides video publishers and advertisers a suite of services to manage and stream high-res video, with in-stream advertising, to mobile devices. The mDialog's Dynamic Ad-insertion service lets advertisers increase the relevancy of their brand messaging with real-time, mobile-specific ad-targeting through geo-location, audience interactivity and mobile device level ad frequency capping.

Contact Information:

For more information, contact
Jessica Hasson

mDialog video ad GeoTargeting mDialog Video Ad Targeting Screen mDialog video ad markers
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