WASHINGTON, April 29, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Top-level executives of Spanish-language news media companies will explore the future and the impact of this growing industry at the upcoming convention of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists, set for Orlando, Florida - June 15-18, 2011.
In "A View from the Top: The Impact of Spanish-Language News Media", the executives will discuss this extremely relevant topic at the Newsmaker Luncheon, one of the top three events at the 29th Annual NAHJ Multimedia Convention & Career Expo. The NAHJ Newsmaker Luncheon, scheduled from noon to 2 p.m. on Thursday, June 16, 2011, is made possible with the generous support of http://pepsico.com/">PepsiCo.
The featured panelists include Monica Lozano, Chief Executive Officer of Impremedia, the country's largest Spanish-language newspaper company; Isaac Lee, President of News, Univisión; Cynthia Hudson, Senior Vice President and General Manager of CNN en Español and Hispanic Strategy for CNN/U.S.; and Ramón Escobar, Executive Vice President, Network News, Telemundo. The session will be moderated by Verónica Villafañe, Editor and Publisher of Media Moves, a blog about media.
Fueled by the growth in the country's Hispanic population, which topped 60 million in the last Census, new and established media companies are looking for new ways to offer the Latino communities news and information while making the most of the growth trends in Spanish-language news. Despite the dramatic economic transition confronted by the U.S. news media industry, newspapers in Spanish and the audiences for Spanish-language television are growing in a broader array of places across the country.
From more intense marketing in new target territories to proposals for new 24-hour cable news channels entirely in Spanish, this media landscape offers some challenges and opportunities as news in Spanish moves more into the mainstream. The featured panelists will discuss these plans and trends, how they will affect journalists and journalism, and how it all fits in to the Spanish-language news media's particular mission in service to the Latino community.
"We are excited to have this important discussion as our communities reach another milestone in our country's development," said Iván Román, NAHJ's Executive Director. "We don't just want to explore the many ways that Spanish-language news is and can grow, but also how we as Latino journalists can assume a heightened role as the tellers of our stories in the U.S."
Some 800 journalists, media executives and students are expected at Disney's Coronado Springs Resort in Orlando for this year's Convention for four days of training, professional networking, and discussions on everything from the dangers journalists are facing daily in Mexico and the impact of the anti-immigrant environment in Arizona and other states to how journalists can make it as an entrepreneur or use technology to make investigations easier.
The convention will provide the most multimedia journalism training available in just a few days under one roof; all kinds of essential training and career/life advice for young, mid-career and veteran journalists; freelancers and aspiring entrepreneurs; and for those working in Spanish-language media.
For more information on the NAHJ Convention and convention programming, visit www.nahj.org or www.nahjconvention.org.
Sponsorship opportunities are still available for the NAHJ Convention. For more information on sponsorship opportunities, please contact NAHJ Development Consultant Azuree Salazar at 202.662.7482 or mailto:asalazazar@nahj.org">asalazazar@nahj.org.
The National Association of Hispanic Journalists logo is available at http://www.globenewswire.com/newsroom/prs/?pkgid=7410