Hermosa Beach, July 28, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Although the CBD market has grown, it’s poised to see massive growth with estimates showing a $47.22 billion value in 2028 versus $4.9 billion in 2021. Jesse Grillo is helping CBD business owners get a strong foothold in this exploding market with a variety of innovative strategies, including CBD direct mail advertising.
Direct mail advertising is a powerful way to reach consumers in virtually any niche with engaging imagery and text. In the CBD market, this is exceptionally true.
Jesse Grillo is helping CBD companies reach out to customers they already have. By advertising their summertime sales and promotions through CBD direct mail advertising, Grillo’s clients are seeing fantastic ROI and sales.
His direct mail advertising includes stunning double sided, full-color postcards that are printed, mailed, and in the hands of consumers in two weeks. Right now, his clients can take advantage of this service at a discounted price thanks to Grillo’s summer sale.
What’s included in the ‘Once in a Summer’ CBD direct mail sale:
CBD businesses who are interested in taking advantage of the Jesse Grillo sale can benefit from the following:
5-10 thousand postcards to your previous customers. 65 60 cents per postcard.
10-20 thousand postcards to your previous customers. 60 55 cents per postcard.
20 thousand+ postcards to your previous customers. 55 50 cents per postcard.
Learn more at https://jessegrillo.com/once-in-a-summer-sale-is-on/
For further CBD marketing advice:
For CBD businesses who want to compete in this rapidly growing industry, digital and offline marketing is critical. Jesse Grillo recently wrote a piece for TheNewsFront where he explained how to take CBD businesses to a higher level with effective marketing:
More Information:
Since 2005, digital marketing has been Jesse Grillo’s world. With a passionate curiosity, his business has grown into a digital marketing agency with a staff of the brightest and savviest professionals that hold a complete dedication to client’s success. Focusing on return on investment, Jesse Grillo marketing firm will craft profitable marketing campaigns that have a real impact on clients’ bottom line.