Agria Updates Planned Third Quarter Reporting Schedule
November 11, 2008 07:00 ET | Agria Corporation
BEIJING--(Marketwire - November 11, 2008) - Agria Corporation (NYSE: GRO) (the "Company" or "Agria"), an innovative China-based agri-solutions provider, today announced the Company has not finalized...
Fossil Inc. Logo
Fossil, Inc. Reports Third Quarter Results
November 11, 2008 07:00 ET | Fossil, Inc.
Q3 2008 Diluted EPS Increases 25.6% to $0.54 14.3% Net Sales Growth and Margin Expansion Result in 31.5% Operating Income Growth RICHARDSON, Texas, Nov....
Quest Minerals and Mining Gets Picked Up by The Street Alert
November 11, 2008 07:00 ET | Kentucky Energy, Inc.
PATERSON, N.J., Nov. 11, 2008 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Quest Minerals & Mining Corp. (OTCBB:QMLM) (Frankfurt:QMNA), a Kentucky based operator of energy and mineral related properties, today announced...
Lennart Svensson ny Finansdirektör för Midelfart Sonesson
November 11, 2008 07:00 ET | Midsona AB
Lennart Svensson ny Finansdirektör för Midelfart Sonesson Lennart Svensson, 47 år, civilekonom, har utsetts till ny Finansdirektör för Midelfart Sonesson AB. Han tillträder tjänsten senast den 15...
Delårsrapport januari - september 2008
November 11, 2008 07:00 ET | Malmbergs Elektriska AB
Delårsrapport januari - september 2008 Delårsrapport i sammandrag • Nettoomsättningen uppgick till 393 729 (396 202) kkr • Rörelseresultatet uppgick till 36 992 (38 712) kkr • Resultatet före...
Rautaruukki divests colour-coating line in Sweden
November 11, 2008 07:00 ET | Rautaruukki
Stock exchange release 11 November 2008 at 14.00 Rautaruukki divests colour-coating line in Sweden Rautaruukki has sold its colour-coating line in Gävle, Sweden to the Swedish company...
Equities: New compan
Equities: New company with liquidity provider, ACAP Invest AB (253/08)
November 11, 2008 06:59 ET | Nasdaq Stockholm AB
Remium will take on as liquidity provider for ACAP Invest AB. The agreement is effective as from November, 12 2008. Company: ACAP Invest AB Short name: ACAP B ISIN code: SE0000937682 Orderbook...
Avista: Nytt bolag m
Avista: Nytt bolag med likviditetsgarant, ACAP Invest AB (253/08)
November 11, 2008 06:57 ET | Nasdaq Stockholm AB
Remium har åtagit sig att agera likviditetsgarant i ACAP Invest AB. Åtagandet börjar gälla den 12 november 2008. Bolag ACAP Invest AB Tickerkod: ACAP...
Comment on informati
Comment on informational statement about JSC „Ditton pievadķēžu rūpnīca” published on 10.11.2008 by the new agency LETA
November 11, 2008 06:52 ET | Ditton pievadķēžu rūpnīca
In connection with the abovementioned publication the Council and the Management Board of the company intend to give the following statement: 1. JSC „Ditton pievadķēžu rūpnīca” has not provided any...
Official opening of district heating plant - a joint venture between AAK and Karlshamn Energi
November 11, 2008 06:50 ET | AarhusKarlshamn AB
Official opening of district heating plant - a joint venture between AAK and Karlshamn Energi On Tuesday, the new district heating plant - a joint venture between AAK and Karlshamn Energi (KEAB) -...