Felaktiga uppgifter i media om att Axfood bojkottar Felix ketchup
August 27, 2008 08:42 ET
Axfood AB
Felaktiga uppgifter i media om att Axfood bojkottar Felix ketchup
Uppgifter har förekommit i media om att Axfood skulle bojkotta Felix ketchup.
Dessa uppgifter är felaktiga. Axfood bojkottar inte...
Equities: Listing of subscription rights and paid subscription shares in RNB Retail and Brands AB (192/08)
August 27, 2008 08:38 ET
Nasdaq Stockholm AB
With effect from September 2nd, 2008, the subscription rights in RNB Retail and Brands AB will be quoted on the list for Equity rights. Quotation will continue up until and including September 15th,...
Avista: Notering av teckningsrätter och betalda teckningsaktier i RNB Retail and Brands AB (192/08)
August 27, 2008 08:36 ET
Nasdaq Stockholm AB
Fr.o.m. den 2 september 2008 kommer teckningsrätterna i RNB Retail and Brands AB att noteras på listan för Del-, tecknings- och inköpsrätter m.m. Notering sker t.o.m. den 15 september...
Gentex Rear Camera Display Mirrors Now Available in the Aftermarket
August 27, 2008 08:33 ET
ZEELAND, MI--(Marketwire - August 27, 2008) - Drivers that want a backup camera system to see
video images of the area behind their vehicle while backing up will no
longer have to wait until they...
Halvårsrapport 2008 for Investeringsforeningen Sparindex
August 27, 2008 08:30 ET
Investeringsforeningen Sparinvest
Krisen på de globale aktiemarkeder fortsatte i 1. halvår af 2008, og det
afspejlede sig også i halvårsresultatet i år 2008 for Investeringsforeningen
Sparindex. 1. halvår af 2008 bød på et samlet...
Halvårsrapport 2008 for Investeringsforeningen Sparinvest, Specialforeningen Sparinvest, Investeringsforeningen Globale Vækstmarkeder og Investeringsforeningen Sparinvest Bolig
August 27, 2008 08:30 ET
Investeringsforeningen Sparinvest
Turbulensen på investeringsmarkederne har haft stor indvirkning på Sparinvests
halvårsresultat, og 1. halvår 2008 endte således med et samlet negativt
resultat på 5.183 mio. kr. efter...
Button Wins New Contract With Qatari Diar
August 27, 2008 08:30 ET
LONDON, Aug. 27, 2008 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Button Group, a Futuremedia plc company (OTCBB:FMDAY), today announced a new client win from the Middle East at the Cityscape Dubai tradeshow in...
Interim information for the first six months of 2008
August 27, 2008 08:30 ET
DNB Bankas
AB DnB NORD Bankas (company code 112029270, VAT payer's code LT120292716,
registered office at J. Basanavičiaus St. 26, Vilnius, the data is collected
and stored at the Register of Legal Entities)...
Nexia Announces Advertising Deal With Teen Impact
August 27, 2008 08:29 ET
Nexia Holdings, Inc.
SALT LAKE CITY, UT--(Marketwire - August 27, 2008) - Nexia Holdings, Inc. (OTCBB: NXHD)
slated for full page ad in Teen Impact Magazine. The new magazine will
print upwards of 500,000 copies to be...
ITCL - Q2 Presentation 2008
August 27, 2008 08:28 ET
Independent Tankers Corporation Limited
Independent Tankers Corporation Limited (the "Company") advises that a presentation of its second quarter 2008 results, that were released August 27, 2008, is available on the Company's website:...