2008/2009 majandusaasta 3 kuu auditeerimata vahearuanne
December 05, 2008 10:29 ET
1.1. Üldinfo ja muudatused organisatsiooni struktuuris
AS-i Kalev tegevus jaotub...
Konsolideerimisgrupi 2007/2008 majandusaasta aruanne
December 05, 2008 09:58 ET
Selgitus erinevuste kohta AS-i Kalev 12 kuu vahearuande ja 2007/2008 a.
majandusaasta auditeeritud aruande vahel.
1. IFRIC 12 (Teenuste kontsessioonikokkulepped) selgitab, kuidas...
Consolidated annual report 2007/2008
December 05, 2008 09:58 ET
Explanation of differences between 12 months interim report and 2007/2008
audited annual report of AS Kalev.
1. IFRIC 12 (Service Concession Arrangements) addresses how service...
Notice calling the ordinary general meeting of the shareholders
December 02, 2008 04:51 ET
The ordinary general meeting of the shareholders of AS Kalev (registry code:
10000952, located at Tornimäe 5, Tallinn) will be held on 23 December 2008 at
10:30 in the Tallinn University of...
Aktsionäride korralise üldkoosoleku kokkukutsumise teade
December 02, 2008 02:11 ET
AS-i Kalev (registrikood 10000952, asukoht Tornimäe 5, Tallinn) aktsionäride
korraline üldkoosolek toimub 23. detsembril 2008 a. algusega kell 10.30
Tallinnas, TTÜ Sütiste tee hoones (aadress...
Delay in the publication of the interim financial statements of AS Kalev
December 01, 2008 07:41 ET
AS Kalev will publish the audited annual report of the company for the
financial year 2007/2008, and the interim financial statements for the first 3
months of the financial year 2008/2009 by 5...
Viivitus AS-i Kalev vahearuande avaldamisel
November 28, 2008 09:23 ET
AS Kalev avaldab oma 2007/2008 majandusaasta auditeeritud aruande ning
2008/2009 majandusaasta 3. kuu vahearuande hiljemalt 5. detsembril 2008 a. Täna
esitas AS Kalev vahearuande tavapärasest...
AS Kalev to contest blocking of subsidiary's shares
November 25, 2008 07:44 ET
Today AS Kalev received the ruling of the Harju County
Court of 21 November 2008, which blocked the shares held by AS Kalev in AS
Kalev Paide Tootmine and AS Kalev Chocolate Factory for partial...
Action filed against AS Kalev
November 25, 2008 07:40 ET
AS Kalev has received information through the press that AS Alta Foods, which
is part of the Alta Capital Partners Group, has filed a petition for
arbitration with the Arbitration Institute of the...
AS Kalev vaidlustab tütarettevõtjate aktsiate blokeerimise
November 24, 2008 11:01 ET
AS Kalev sai 24.11.2008 a. Harju Maakohtu 21.11.2008 a. kohtumääruse, millega
blokeeriti AS-i Alta Foods taotluse osaliseks rahuldamiseks AS-ile Kalev
kuuluvad AS-i Kalev Paide Tootmine ja AS-i...