Information relating to the Extraordinary General Meeting of Diamyd Medical on April 22 regarding the proposed restructuring of the Diamyd Group
April 19, 2013 02:30 ET
Provided that the Extraordinary General Meeting of Diamyd Medical AB to be held
on April 22 resolves in favor of the proposed restructuring of the Diamyd Group,
after which Diamyd Medical AB will be...
Quarterly Report II 12/13
March 27, 2013 03:30 ET
Quarterly Report 2, Diamyd Medical AB (publ), fiscal year 2012/2013
( ticker: DIAM B; ticker: DMYDY)
Reporting period December 1, 2012 – February 28, 2013
Delårsrapport II 12/13
March 27, 2013 03:30 ET
Delårsrapport 2, Diamyd Medical AB (publ), räkenskapsåret 2012/2013
( ticker: DIAM B; ticker: DMYDY)
Perioden 1 december 2012 – 28 februari 2013
Koncernen inklusive...
Information om kallelse till extra bolagsstämma i Diamyd Medical AB
March 21, 2013 03:30 ET
Följande kallelse till extra bolagsstämma kommer att hållas tillgänglig på
Diamyd Medicals hemsida från och med måndagen den 25 mars 2013.
Kallelse till extra bolagsstämma i Diamyd...
Information about Summons to Extraordinary General Meeting of Diamyd Medical AB
March 21, 2013 03:30 ET
The following summons to an Extraordinary General Meeting of Diamyd Medical AB
will be available at Diamyd Medical’s website from Monday March
25, 2013.
Summons to Extraordinary...
Extraordinary General Meeting of Diamyd Medical AB cancelled
February 27, 2013 02:30 ET
The Extraordinary General Meeting of Diamyd Medical AB summoned to for March 13,
2013 is cancelled.
The group of shareholders who had previously requested an Extraordinary General
Meeting of Diamyd...
Extra bolagsstämma i Diamyd Medical inställd
February 27, 2013 02:30 ET
Den utlysta extra bolagsstämman onsdagen den 13 mars 2013 i Diamyd Medical AB är
Den grupp aktieägare som tidigare begärt extra bolagsstämma i Diamyd Medical AB
har formellt återkallat sin...
Diamyds större aktieägare når överenskommelse
February 18, 2013 02:00 ET
Aktieägare i Diamyd Medical AB som representerar en majoritet av rösterna i
bolaget har kommit överens om att skifta ut överskottet i moderbolagets kassa
till aktieägarna samt att stämpla om alla...
Diamyd’s major shareholders reach agreement
February 18, 2013 02:00 ET
Shareholders in Diamyd Medical AB representing a majority of the votes in the
Company have reached an agreement to distribute the parent company’s excess cash
to the shareholders and to convert all...
Information about Summons to Extraordinary General Meeting of Diamyd Medical AB
February 11, 2013 14:30 ET
The following summons to an Extraordinary General Meeting of Diamyd Medical AB
will be available at Diamyd Medical’s website from Wednesday
February 13, 2013.
Summons to Extraordinary...