Sale of the production building
August 26, 2016 10:45 ET
VEF Radiotehnika RRR
JSC "VEF Radiotehnika RRR" informs that on August 25, 2016 was completed sale of the production building with the land (cadastre number 0100 080 2328).
The above mentioned property was sold to SIA...
Decisions of annual general meeting of shareholders of JSC “VEF Radiotehnika RRR”
July 01, 2016 12:04 ET
VEF Radiotehnika RRR
According to the registration data shareholders or their authorized persons are present at the meeting, which makes owners of 2 408 797 shares with a right of voting and which...
Akciju sabiedrības “VEF Radiotehnika RRR” kārtējās akcionāru pilnsapulces lēmumi
July 01, 2016 12:04 ET
VEF Radiotehnika RRR
Pēc reģistrācijas datiem sapulcē piedalijās akcionāri vai viņu pilnvarnieki, kas ir 2 408 797 akciju ar balsstiesībām īpašnieki un kas sastāda 94.42% no apmaksātā pamatkapitāla.
CORRECTION: JSC "VEF Radiotehnika RRR" Audited Interim Report year 2015, the Auditor's opinion, Comply/Explain Report on Good corporate governance principles
June 28, 2016 04:01 ET
VEF Radiotehnika RRR
During year 2015, the main activities of JSC “VEF Radiotehnika RRR” were:
1. Purchase and sales of acoustic...
CORRECTION: AS"VEF Radiotehnika RRR" revidēts starpperiodu pārskats par 2015.gada 12 mēnešiem, Revidenta atzinums, Ziņojums par korporatīvās pārvaldības principu ievērošanu
June 28, 2016 04:01 ET
VEF Radiotehnika RRR
AS “VEF Radiotehnika RRR” pamatdarbības veidi 2015.gada bija:
1. Akustisko sistēmu un viņu korpusu iepirkšana un realizācija;
2. Nekustāmā īpašuma...
JSC "VEF Radiotehnika RRR" Audited Interim Report year 2015, the Auditor's opinion, Comply/Explain Report on Good corporate governance principles
June 17, 2016 10:59 ET
VEF Radiotehnika RRR
During year 2015, the main activities of JSC “VEF Radiotehnika RRR” were:
1. Purchase and sales of acoustic...
AS"VEF Radiotehnika RRR" revidēts starpperiodu pārskats par 2015.gada 12 mēnešiem, Revidenta atzinums, Ziņojums par korporatīvās pārvaldības principu ievērošanu
June 17, 2016 10:59 ET
VEF Radiotehnika RRR
AS “VEF Radiotehnika RRR” pamatdarbības veidi 2015.gada bija:
1. Akustisko sistēmu un viņu korpusu iepirkšana un realizācija;
2. Nekustāmā īpašuma...
Draft decision of meeting of shareholders of JSC “VEF Radiotehnika RRR” scheduled on July 01, 2016
June 17, 2016 10:26 ET
VEF Radiotehnika RRR
Riga, “VEF Radiotehnika RRR” June 17, 2016
Draft decision of meeting of...
Approval of amendments to legal protection process action plan (April 18, 2016 version)
June 01, 2016 10:27 ET
VEF Radiotehnika RRR
The Riga City Kurzeme District Court has approved amendments to JSC "VEF Radiotehnika RRR" legal protection process action plan (April 18, 2016 version) on May 31, 2016.
Changes in...