Search Results

Lands' End Offers the Chance to Win The Great Oahu Beach Escape Vacation
May 04, 2011 13:23 ET | Lands' End
DODGEVILLE, WI--(Marketwire - May 4, 2011) - Looking for the ultimate beach vacation escape? Lands' End (NASDAQ: SHLD) has partnered with the Oahu Visitors Bureau to give one lucky winner and a...
Biggest Trend in 2011 Swimwear? Real Women, Real Swim Styles Rule; Lands' End Survey Finds Real Women Want Wearable Styles and Quality in Swimwear
April 14, 2011 14:00 ET | Lands' End
MADISON, WI--(Marketwire - Apr 14, 2011) - There's a new trend in swimwear this season -- swim styles for REAL women are in. In fact, a recent survey by Lands' End found that the majority of the...
Lands' End Launches Oahu Dream Trip Contest
April 06, 2011 14:45 ET | Lands' End
DODGEVILLE, WI--(Marketwire - April 6, 2011) - Visiting the island of Oahu is truly a dream for many. From the pristine and tropical beaches surrounded by waterfalls to the lush greenery and...