Sveriges största köpmotor ökade över 40%
October 05, 2010 05:55 ET | Eniro AB
Sveriges största köpmotor ökade över 40% Det blev omedelbar succé för nylanserade Nya innebär att det är betydligt enklare hitta de företag som säljer en viss...
Sweden's largest purchase directory increased more than 40%
October 05, 2010 05:55 ET | Eniro AB
Sweden's largest purchase directory increased more than 40% Newly launched was an immediate success. Finding businesses that sell a certain product is now considerably easier on new...
Municipality Credit
Municipality Credit Iceland - Additional issuing of bonds (LSS150224) admitted to trading on 6 October 2010
October 05, 2010 05:55 ET | NASDAQ Iceland hf.
Municipality Credit Iceland ohf., kt. 580407-1100, Borgartúni 30, Reykjavík. Date of admission to trading: 6/10/2010 Symbol: LSS150224 ISIN-code: IS0000018869 Orderbook ID: 60278 Bond...
Additional issuing o
Additional issuing of bonds (LSS150224) admitted to trading on 6 October 2010
October 05, 2010 05:55 ET | Lánasjóður sveitarfélaga ohf
Municipality Credit Iceland ohf., kt. 580407-1100, Borgartúni 30, Reykjavík. Date of admission to trading: 6/10/2010 Symbol: LSS150224 ISIN-code: IS0000018869 Orderbook ID: 60278 Bond...
DGAP-CMS: Commerzbank AG: Release according to Article 30e of the WpHG [the German Securities Trading Act] with the objective of Europe-wide distribution
October 05, 2010 05:50 ET | EQS Group AG
Commerzbank AG / New loan issues and their warranties according to § 30e Para. 1, No. 2 of the WpHG [the German Securities Trading Act] 05.10.2010 11:49 Dissemination of a Post-admission Duties...
den 5. oktober 2010:
den 5. oktober 2010: 82,07
October 05, 2010 05:49 ET | Access Stratego A/S
Indre værdi den 5. oktober 2010: 82,07 ...
Indberetning af indre værdi for Investeringsforeningen Sparinvest og Investeringsforeningen Sparindex
October 05, 2010 05:36 ET | Investeringsforeningen Sparinvest
Randers, den 5. oktober 2010 Investeringsforeningen Sparinvest og Investeringsforeningen Sparindex Under henvisning til OMX' regler for udstedere af investeringsbeviser skal vi hermed på vegne af...
Indberetning af indre værdi for Investeringsinstituttet Sparinvest SICAV
October 05, 2010 05:32 ET | Investeringsforeningen Sparinvest
Luxembourg, den 5. oktober 2010 Investeringsinstituttet Sparinvest SICAV Under henvisning til OMX' regler for udstedere af investeringsbeviser skal vi hermed på vegne af de berørte foreninger med...
The Housing Financing Fund (HFF) intends to make an agreement with market makers regarding HFF-bonds.
October 05, 2010 05:30 ET | ÍL-sjóður
HFF intends to make an agreement with market makers regarding HFF-bonds in order to create a larger spread in the following series HFF150224, HFF150434 and HFF150644, which will simplify market...
DGAP-PVR: ALBIS Leasing AG: Amendment of Voting Rights Announcement from 07.06.2010 according to § 26 paragraph. 1 WpHG with the objective of Europe-wide distribution (released on 08.06.2010 and 30.09.2010)
October 05, 2010 05:10 ET | EQS Group AG
ALBIS Leasing AG / Amendment of an announcement according to Article 21, Section 1 of the WpHG [the German Securities Trading Act] (share) 05.10.2010 11:10 Dissemination of a Voting Rights...