Kommuniké från årsstämma i Ledstiernan AB den 14 maj 2009
May 15, 2009 05:38 ET | Ledstiernan AB
På årsstämman beslutades bland annat följande: Val av styrelse Till Ledstiernans styrelse omvaldes de tidigare ledamöterna Leif Almstedt, Thomas Bill, Thomas Blitz, Adam Gillberg och Hans ...
- Ný stjórn
May 15, 2009 05:34 ET | VBS Fjárfestingarbanki hf.
Sjálfkjörið er í stjórn VBS fjárfestingarbanka hf. en ný stjórn verður kosin á aðalfundi félagsins 20. maí næstkomandi. Eftirfarandi gáfu kost á sér: Aðalstjórn: Sigrún Helgadóttir, Páll...
Derivatives: Adjustm
Derivatives: Adjustment in Active Biotech due to rights issue (09/09)
May 15, 2009 05:30 ET | Derivatives
Active Biotech AB’s (Active Biotech) Annual General Meeting (AGM) approved the proposed rights issue (1:4), whereby shareholders are entitled to one (1) new share for every four (4) shares held. The...
Derivatives: Adjustm
Derivatives: Adjustment in Active Biotech due to rights issue (09/09)
May 15, 2009 05:30 ET | Derivatives
Active Biotech AB’s (Active Biotech) Annual General Meeting (AGM) approved the proposed rights issue (1:4), whereby shareholders are entitled to one (1) new share for every four (4) shares held. The...
DGAP-PVR: Jenoptik AG: Release according to Article 26, Section 1 of the WpHG [the German Securities Trading Act] with the objective of Europe-wide distribution
May 15, 2009 05:25 ET | EQS Group AG
Jenoptik AG / Release of an announcement according to Article 21, Section 1 of the WpHG [the German Securities Trading Act] (share) 15.05.2009 Release of a Voting Rights...
Årsstämma i Dacke Group Nordic AB (publ)
May 15, 2009 05:21 ET | Dacke Group Nordic AB
Årsstämma i Dacke Group Nordic AB (publ) Aktieägarna i Dacke Group Nordic AB kallas härmed till årsstämma tisdagen den 16 juni 2009 kl 15.00 på Lindskog Malmström Advokatbyrå, Östermalmsgatan 87 E...
Equities: Change of
Equities: Change of company name for SSAB Svenskt Stål AB series A and B (96/09)
May 15, 2009 05:13 ET | Nasdaq Stockholm AB
SSAB Svenskt Stål AB series A & B will be listed under its new company name, SSAB AB with effect from May 20, 2009. Unchanged short name: SSAB A Unchanged ISIN code: SE0000171100 Unchanged orderbook...
Periodemeddelelse for perioden 1. januar 2009 til 15. maj 2009
May 15, 2009 05:10 ET | Udviklingsselskabet af 01.08.1975
NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S Nikolaj Plads 6 1007 København K Hellerup, den 15. maj 2009 Schaumann Properties A/S' fondsbørsmeddelelse nr. 7 / 2009 Periodemeddelelse for...
DGAP-PVR: AIXTRON AG: Release according to Article 26, Section 1 of the WpHG [the German Securities Trading Act] with the objective of Europe-wide distribution
May 15, 2009 05:06 ET | EQS Group AG
AIXTRON AG / Release of an announcement according to Article 21, Section 1 of the WpHG [the German Securities Trading Act] (share) 15.05.2009 Release of a Voting Rights...
DGAP-UK-Regulatory: Annual General Meeting 2009 to take key decisions
May 15, 2009 05:02 ET | EQS Group AG
Commerzbank AG / AGM/EGM/Corporate Action 15.05.2009 Release of a UK Regulatory Announcement, transmitted by DGAP - a company of EquityStory AG. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of...