DGAP-NVR: AIXTRON AG: Release according to Article 26a, Section 1 of the WpHG [the German Securities Trading Act] with the objective of Europe-wide distribution
April 30, 2010 04:43 ET
EQS Group AG
AIXTRON AG / Total Voting Rights announcement
30.04.2010 10:43
Total Voting Rights announcement according to Article 26a of the WpHG, transmitted by
DGAP - a company of EquityStory AG.
The issuer...
Decision of the Market Services Department to resume trading in Lietuvos Energija AB shares
April 30, 2010 04:36 ET
Nasdaq Vilnius
Decision of the Market Services Department (30-04-2010, No. 258)
To resume Automatic Order Matching of these financial instruments on 30-04-2010
at 12:00 EET with an open call auction:
DGAP-AFR: TOM TAILOR Holding AG: Announcement according to Articles 37v, 37w, 37x et seqq. of the WpHG [the German Securities Act] with the objective of Europe-wide distribution
April 30, 2010 04:33 ET
EQS Group AG
TOM TAILOR Holding AG / Preliminary announcement on the disclosure of financial statements
30.04.2010 10:33
Announcement according to articles 37v, 37w, 37x ff. WpHG, transmitted by
DGAP - a...
DGAP-CMS: WestLB AG: Release according to Article 30e of the WpHG [the German Securities Trading Act] with the objective of Europe-wide distribution
April 30, 2010 04:32 ET
EQS Group AG
WestLB AG / New loan issues and their warranties according to § 30e Para. 1, No. 2 of the WpHG [the German Securities Trading Act]
30.04.2010 10:32
Dissemination of a Post-admission Duties...
Listing of government debt securities on the Bonds list
April 30, 2010 04:25 ET
Nasdaq Riga
On May 5, 2010, the following government debt securities will be listed
on the NASDAQ OMX Riga Bonds list:
• Newly issued debt securities:
Securities ISIN code LV...
Resolutions of Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting of LIETUVOS ENERGIJA AB
April 30, 2010 04:24 ET
Lietuvos Energija AB
The ordinary general shareholders meeting of LIETUVOS ENERGIJA AB, held on
April 30, 2010, adopted the following resolutions:
1. Presentation of the consolidated annual report for the year 2009 of...
Breytingar á reglum um gjaldeyrismál
April 30, 2010 04:20 ET
Seðlabanki Íslands
Seðlabanki Íslands hefur gefið út nýjar reglur um gjaldeyrismál í samræmi við
ákvæði laga um gjaldeyrismál, nr. 87/1992, með síðari breytingum, þar sem mælt
er fyrir um að reglur um gjaldeyrismál...
Ársreikningur 2009
April 30, 2010 04:19 ET
Ársreikningur Fjarðabyggðar 2009 tekinn til fyrri umræðu í bæjarstjórn
Fimmtudaginn 29. apríl 2010 var ársreikningur Fjarðabyggðar 2009 tekinn til
fyrri umræðu í bæjarstjórn. Samkvæmt...
April 30, 2010 04:06 ET
Sagax AB
Som framgått av tidigare pressmeddelanden under mars och april har Sagax
genomfört två nyemissioner om 10 894 199 respektive 4 000 000 preferensaktier.
DGAP-PVR: Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft Aktiengesellschaft in München: Release according to Article 26, Section 1 of the WpHG [the German Securities Trading Act] with the objective of Europe-wide distribution
April 30, 2010 04:03 ET
EQS Group AG
Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft Aktiengesellschaft in München / Release of an announcement according to Article 26 Section 1 Sentence 2 of the WpHG (Own shares)
30.04.2010 10:03...