KMT Interim Report January -- March 2004
April 29, 2004 05:55 ET | KMT
UPPLANDS VASBY, Sweden, April 29, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- KMT: Interim Report January - March 2004 . Net sales amounted to SEK 263M (221) - an increase of 19 per cent. Excluding the recently...
Kesko Oyj:n B-sarjan osakkeiden merkintä optio-oikeuksilla ja listalle hakeminen uusina B-osakkeina
April 29, 2004 05:47 ET | Kesko Oyj
Kesko Oyj:n vuoden 2000 optio-ohjelman B- ja C-optio-oikeuksilla on 1.4.-20.4.2004 merkitty 536 190 kappaletta Kesko Oyj:n B-sarjan osakkeita. Optio-ohjelman ehtojen mukaisesti merkintähinta...
Subscription for Kesko Corporation's B shares with warrants and application for listing as new B shares
April 29, 2004 05:46 ET | Kesko Oyj
During the period from 1 April to 20 April 2004, a total of 536,190 Kesko Corporation's B shares were subscribed for with B and C warrants under Kesko Corporation's year 2000 stock option scheme....
Keskon hallitus perusti tarkastusvaliokunnan
April 29, 2004 05:46 ET | Kesko Oyj
Kesko Oyj:n hallitus on perustanut tarkastusvaliokunnan, jonka puheenjohtajaksi valittiin Matti Kavetvuo ja jäseniksi Eero Kasanen ja Maarit Näkyvä. Tarkastusvaliokunta valmistelee hallitukselle...
Kesko's Board of Directors established an audit committee
April 29, 2004 05:24 ET | Kesko Oyj
Through the establishment of the audit committee Kesko's Board of Directors will enhance the preparation of the matters under the Board's responsibility. In compliance with the Corporate Governance...
Ossur hf. First Quarter Report for 2004
April 29, 2004 05:17 ET | Ossur Hf
The Ossur hf. interim Consolidated Financial Statements for the first quarter of 2004 was approved at a meeting of the Board of Directors on 28 April. The quarterly statement, prepared in compliance...
Proposal for new Boa
Proposal for new Board Members
April 29, 2004 04:42 ET | Odfjell SE
The Board propose that the AGM elects Stein Pettersen (51) and Laurence W. Odfjell (38) as new board members. Stein Pettersen is a Partner of the Norwegian law firm of Wikborg, Rein & Co. in...
Proposal for new Boa
Proposal for new Board Members
April 29, 2004 04:42 ET | Odfjell SE
The Board propose that the AGM elects Stein Pettersen (51) and Laurence W. Odfjell (38) as new board members. Stein Pettersen is a Partner of the Norwegian law firm of Wikborg, Rein & Co. in...
Kesko's interim report 1.1.-31.3.2004: Profit before extraordinary items EUR 20.6 million
April 29, 2004 04:27 ET | Kesko Oyj
For release content, please refer to the attachment....
Keskon osavuosikatsaus 1.1.-31.3.2004: Voitto ennen satunnaisia eriä 20,6 milj. euroa
April 29, 2004 04:18 ET | Kesko Oyj
For release content, please refer to the attachment....