OMX Exchanges: Connecta AB listed on Stockholm Stock Exchange
May 30, 2005 03:38 ET
OMX Exchanges
STOCKHOLM, Sweden, May 30, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- As of today, the consulting company Connecta AB is traded on Stockholm Stock Exchange's O List.
Connecta is a consulting company that combines...
Statkraft - Offer to repurchase Norwegian bonds
May 30, 2005 03:10 ET
Statkraft AS
Statkraft SF is making a repurchase offer to the holders of the two bond issues STAKR01 (ISIN NO 001 016710.9) and STAKR02 (ISIN NO 001 016760.4).
The offer is valid until 11:00 a.m., Oslo...
Statkraft - Tilbud om tilbakekjøp av obligasjoner
May 30, 2005 03:10 ET
Statkraft AS
Statkraft SF tilbyr obligasjonseierne i obligasjonslånene STAKR01 (ISIN NO 001 016710.9) og STAKR02 (ISIN NO 001 016760.4) å kjøpe tilbake utestående obligasjoner i...
Nokia toimittaa Wataniyalle 3G-teknologian laajennuksia
May 30, 2005 02:35 ET
Nokia Oyj
Kuwaitilainen matkapuhelinoperaattori Wataniya Telecom ja Nokia ovat allekirjoittaneet sopimuksen edistyksellisten teknologioiden toimittamisesta Wataniyan verkkoon. Sopimus allekirjoitettiin 29....
Medicover Holding S.A.: Prospectus is Now Available
May 30, 2005 02:33 ET
STOCKHOLM, Sweden, May 30, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- The prospectus regarding new share issue with preferential right in Medicover Holding S.A. (the "Company") will be available as of today at the office...
Pan Fish share issue significantly oversubscribed
May 30, 2005 02:03 ET
Mowi ASA
As a result of the share issue being fully subscribed DnB NOR and Nordea will as previously communicated convert NOK 500 million of the company's debt to equity through a private placing. The debt...
Pan Fish emisjonen kraftig overtegnet
May 30, 2005 02:03 ET
Mowi ASA
Som et resultat av at emisjonen er fulltegnet vil som tidligere kommunisert DnB NOR og Nordea ved en rettet emisjon konvertere NOK 500 millioner av selskapets gjeld til egenkapital. Konverteringen...
May 30, 2005 02:00 ET
Incap Oyj
Incap and the Assa Abloy Group have signed a new co-operation agreement that gives Incap the status of a global supplier in the Assa Abloy Group. The co-operation agreement covers the volume...
May 30, 2005 02:00 ET
Incap Oyj
Incap ja Assa Abloy -konserni ovat allekirjoittaneet uuden yhteistyösopimuksen, joka antaa Incapille globaalin toimittajan aseman Assa Abloy -konsernissa. Yhteistyösopimus kattaa elektroniikan ja...
Nestlé AG konzentriert Aktienhandel auf SWX Swiss Exchange
May 30, 2005 01:43 ET
Nestlé S.A.
Vevey, 30. Mai 2005 - Die Nestlé AG hat beschlossen, die Kotierung ihrer Aktien an der Euronext Paris Eurolist und der London Stock Exchange einzustellen.
Diese Entscheidung ergibt sich aus der...
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