Jaakko Pöyry Group valittu M-realin kehitysprojektin pääkonsultiksi
May 02, 2001 07:36 ET
JP-Suunnittelu Oy, joka kuuluu Jaakko Pöyry Group -konsernin Metsäteollisuus-liiketoimintaryhmään, on valittu M-real Oyj:n tapettipaperi- ja kartonkituotannon kehitysprojektin pääsuunnittelijaksi....
Jaakko Pöyry Group appointed main engineering consultant for M-Real's development project
May 02, 2001 07:34 ET
JP-Engineering Oy, which is a part of the Jaakko Pöyry Group's Forest Industry business group, has been appointed main engineering consultant for M-real Oyj's wallpaper base and paperboard development...
Wideroe Flyveselskap Enters into ASP Contract with Telenor
May 02, 2001 06:33 ET
OSLO, Norway, May 2, 2001 (PRIMEZONE) -- Telenor (Nasdaq:TELN)
Telenor Business Solutions has entered into a three-year contract with Wideroe Flyveselskap to take over management of the company's...
Widerøe Flyveselskap enters into ASP contract with Telenor
May 02, 2001 06:02 ET
The ASP solution will be one of the most extensive in Norway and entail that Telenor Business Solutions will take over management of all the computer programs in Widerøe's portfolio. A completely new...
Widerøe Flyveselskap inngår ASP avtale med Telenor
May 02, 2001 06:00 ET
ASP-løsningen er en av de mest omfattende i Norge og innebærer at Telenor Business Solutions overtar driften av samtlige dataprogrammer som Widerøe har i sin portefølje. Et helt nytt nettverk (WAN)...
FLS Industries A/S Annual General Meeting
May 02, 2001 06:00 ET
FLSmidth A/S
At the FLS Industries A/S Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 1 May 2001 the proposed dividend at DKK 3 per FLS Industries share was adopted. The company in general meeting also approved the proposal...
Generalforsamling i FLS Industries A/S
May 02, 2001 06:00 ET
FLSmidth A/S
FLS Industries A/S' generalforsamling vedtog tirsdag d. 1. maj 2001 det foreslåede udbytte på 3 kr. pr. FLS Industries-aktie. Generalforsamlingen godkendte endvidere bestyrelsens forslag om fusion pr....
Ordinary Annual General Meeting Wednesday 2 May 2001
May 02, 2001 06:00 ET
Brødrene Hartmann A/S
Please be informed that the Directors' report given by the Chairman at the Annual General Meeting was noted.
The report contained the information which was already sent to the Copenhagen...
Vedr.: Ordinær generalforsamling onsdag den 2. maj 2001
May 02, 2001 06:00 ET
Brødrene Hartmann A/S
Det kan oplyses, at den af formanden på generalforsamlingen afgivne beretning blev taget til efterretning.
Beretningen indeholdt de oplysninger, der allerede er tilgået Fondsbørsen ved...
Hannover Re Establishes Catastrophe Reinsurer in Bermuda
May 02, 2001 05:24 ET
Hugin Online
HANNOVER, Germany, May 2, 2001 (PRIMEZONE) -- Effective from 30 March 2001, Hannover Re (GER:HNR) established in Bermuda the new subsidiary Hannover Re (Bermuda) Ltd. that will be writing catastrophe...