Utan tidsgräns spränger 2 miljarders gränsen - stocken har ökat med 30 % under fem månader
May 04, 2001 06:00 ET
Riksgäldskontoret lanserade i december 2000 en ny sparform: RiksgäldsSpar utan tidsgräns. Intresset för sparformen har varit mycket stort och inflödet efter fem månader uppgår till ca 2 miljarder...
Investments in TRG and Norway Seafoods Holding
May 04, 2001 06:00 ET
Orkla ASA
For release content, please refer to the attachment....
Weiteres Aktien-Rückkaufprogramm angekündigt
May 04, 2001 06:00 ET
Sika AG
Die Liechtensteinische Landesbank konnte das an der letztjährigen Generalversammlung angekündigte Aktien-Rückkaufprogramm erfolgreich abschliessen und insgesamt 200 000 LLB-Inhaberaktien zurückkaufen....
Interim Report January-March 2001
May 04, 2001 06:00 ET
Stable result in spite of weak stock market
Operating result* amounted to SEK 2 789 M (3 186).
Delårsrapport januari-mars 2001
May 04, 2001 06:00 ET
Stabilt resultat trots svag marknad
Det operativa rörelseresultatet* uppgick till 2 789 Mkr (3 186).
Räntenettot ökade med 6 procent till 3 070 Mkr (2 883).
Provisionsnettot minskade med 21...
Wolters Kluwer reiterates its profit forecast for 2001
May 04, 2001 06:00 ET
Wolters Kluwer N.V.
That was the key message of Rob Pieterse, Chairman of the Executive Board of Wolters Kluwer nv, to the shareholders of Wolters Kluwer gathered at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, which was...
Noonan/Russo's BioInvestor Forum
May 04, 2001 05:55 ET
Noonan/Russo Ltd.
LONDON, May 4, 2001 (PRIMEZONE) - Noonan/Russo
Noonan/Russo's BioInvestor Forum
Friday 5 May 2001 from 15:00 BST
With presentations from:
StreetFusion to Feature Live and On-Demand Webcasts of Quarterly Earnings Conference Calls for Qualstar Corporation, Starbase Corporation, Watson Pharmaceuticals Incorporated, FiberCore, Inc.
May 04, 2001 05:00 ET
SAN FRANCISCO, May 4, 2001 (PRIMEZONE) -- On Monday, May 7, 2001, StreetFusion, the online network for financial events, will webcast quarterly earnings calls for the companies listed below. Free...
Annual General Meeting
May 04, 2001 04:46 ET
Orkla ASA
The Annual General Meeting of Orkla ASA was held on Thursday, 3 May at 3 p.m. in Sarpsborg.
Points no. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 on the agenda were adopted unanimously.
The authorisation of 6 May 1999...
ORK - Generalforsamling
May 04, 2001 04:43 ET
Orkla ASA
Agendaens punkter 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 og 7 ble enstemmig vedtatt (jfr. innkalling som ble sendt i børsmelding datert 04.04.2001.)
Styrets fullmakt av 6. mai 1999 til å forhøye aksjekapitalen ble fornyet....
- January 07, 2025 14:54 ET Award-winning documentary “Edith: Porsche’s Volcano Ascent” now available on Delta Air Lines’ In-Flight Entertainment
- January 07, 2025 14:36 ET Ressources Cerro de Pasco annonce de nouveaux résultats pour la zone d’argent-zinc-plomb de Quiulacocha, révélant une augmentation considérable des niveaux de gallium