Nokia and Ntegrity Leverage Broadband Technology to Revolutionize Communication Services to Apartment Residents Across America
March 29, 2000 07:00 ET
Nokia Oyj
Under the agreement, Nokia will supply Ntegrity with an ATM-based voice and high-speed Internet access network to deploy DSL technology that delivers voice, data, and video content over the same...
March 29, 2000 06:00 ET
Metso Corporation
The Annual General Meeting of Metso Corporation approved the accounts for 1999 as presented by the Board of Directors and voted to discharge the members of the Board of Directors and the President and...
March 29, 2000 06:00 ET
Metso Corporation
Metso Oyj:n varsinainen yhtiökokous vahvisti vuoden 1999 tilinpäätöksen sekä myönsi vastuuvapauden hallituksen jäsenille ja toimitusjohtajalle. Yhtiökokous hyväksyi myös hallituksen esitykset, jotka...
Change in management structure at Wolters Kluwer Netherlands
March 29, 2000 05:00 ET
Wolters Kluwer N.V.
The Executive Board has the intention to appoint the following persons:Mr. R.N. Hazewinkel as CEO of Wolters Kluwer Netherlands. Mr. Hazewinkel is currently business unit manager of Kluwer Tax &...
Nokia and Ntegrity Leverage Broadband Technology to Revolutionize Communication Services to Apartment Residents Across America
March 29, 2000 04:29 ET
Nokia Oyj
Nokia, a world leader in the supply of Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) products and technologies, and Ntegrity TelecontentTM Services, a leading facilities-based Competitive Local Exchange Carrier...
Nokia partners with Gen Art to promote emerging talent in fashion, film and visual arts
March 29, 2000 04:26 ET
Nokia Oyj
Nokia, the world's leading mobile phone manufacturer, and Gen Art, a leading national non-profit organization, today announced a multi-tiered marketing agreement designed to showcase and support the...
Nokia toimittaa DSL-verkon Ntegritylle USA:han
March 29, 2000 04:00 ET
Nokia Oyj
Nokia toimittaa nopeat Internet-palvelut mahdollistavia DSL-ratkaisuja Ntegrity Telecontent Services -operaattorille USA:han. Kolmivuotisen sopimuksen arvo on yli 450 miljoonaa markkaa (75 milj. USD)....
Information Highway acquires NetGain AB
March 29, 2000 03:30 ET
Corem Property Group AB
Founded in 1995, NetGain has about ten employees and is now in a burgeoning expansion phase. The centre of gravity of its competencies lies on the technology side of sophisticated e-business systems;...
Information Highway förvärvar NetGain AB
March 29, 2000 03:30 ET
Corem Property Group AB
NetGain grundades 1995, har cirka 10 medarbetare och befinner sig i en stark expansionsfas. Kompetensfokus ligger på den tekniska sidan av avancerade e-business system med spetskompetens på IBM/Lotus...
March 29, 2000 03:10 ET
Electrowatt-Ekono (UK) Ltd., joka kuuluu Jaakko Pöyry Group -konserniin, on saanut 7.3 miljoonan euron tilauksen VA TECH Peebles Transformers Ltd:ltä. Toimitus käsittää muuntajien testaamiseen...
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