Sea Floor Sampling: Pre Rift Sediments at hand from the Vøring Transform Margin!
July 21, 2000 09:30 ET | TGS ASA
Newly acquired seismic data by TGS-NOPEC in the Norwegian Sea disclosed that pre rift sediments of Paleocene and Cretaceous age might outcrop along the Vøring Transform Margin. In this unique location...
Kjøp av selskap
Kjøp av selskap
July 21, 2000 08:07 ET | Mowi ASA
Pan Fish har inngått avtale med alle aksjonærene i Global Fish AS i Ålesund om kjøp av 51% av aksjene i selskapet for kr 140 mill. 105 mill. av kjøpesummen gjøres opp med aksjer i Pan Fish. Kjøpet...
Fuller Company - direktionen
July 21, 2000 06:00 ET | FLSmidth A/S
Der i dag truffet aftale med adm. direktør Kai Lyngsie om, at han fratræder sin stilling som adm. direktør for F.L.Smidth-Fuller Engineering's amerikanske datterselskab Fuller Company. Som ny adm....
Fuller Company - Management
July 21, 2000 06:00 ET | FLSmidth A/S
It has been agreed today with Mr Kai Lyngsie that he will resign as President and CEO of Fuller Company, the US-based subsidiary of F.L.Smidth-Fuller Engineering.Mr Christian Jepsen, 40, MSc...
Group management, earnings forecast and new strategy
July 21, 2000 06:00 ET | FLSmidth A/S
The FLS Group has drawn up a new strategic plan that covers the entire Group. The main elements of the plan, which has been approved by the FLS Industries Board of Directors, are as follows: Strong...
Ledelsesforhold, resultatforventning og ny strategi
July 21, 2000 06:00 ET | FLSmidth A/S
FLS Koncernen har udarbejdet en ny strategiplan, der omfatter hele Koncernen. Strategiplanen, der er godkendt af FLS Industries' bestyrelse, indebærer følgende hoved-aktiviteter: Stærk fokus på...
Prepaid calling card
Prepaid calling cards go satellite
July 21, 2000 06:00 ET | Telenor
Telenor customers can now use prepaid calling cards for Inmarsat Mobiq and Global Area Network (GAN) services, allowing customers to talk for as long and as often as they wish from their own prepaid...
Kontantkort for sate
Kontantkort for satellittelefoner
July 21, 2000 05:03 ET | Telenor
- Vi er stolte over å kunne lansere en løsning som er like enkel og brukervennlig som å ringe fra en telefonkiosk med Telekort eller fra en mobiltelefon med kontantkort, sier Anders Kallerud i...
CBS Marketwatch: Fixed Wireless Systems A "Great Alternative" to DSL, Cable, and Satellite High-Speed Net Access For Telecom Infrastuctures
July 20, 2000 20:55 ET | IBChannel.com
IRVINE, CA, July 20, 2000 (PRIMEZONE) -- (www.ibchannel.com) - In an article published on CBS MarketWatch, Tom Taulli reported: "There are many types of services to allow for high-speed Net access....
Silverleaf Completes Construction of Section 2 At Fox River Resort
July 20, 2000 13:51 ET | Silverleaf Resorts, Inc.
DALLAS, July 20, 2000 (PRIMEZONE) -- Silverleaf Resorts, Inc. (NYSE:SVR) today announced that it has completed the construction of Section 2 at the Company's Fox River Resort, outside Chicago, IL....