U.S. State Department Selects Logicon to Administer Walsh Visa Program
January 18, 2001 16:43 ET
Northrop Grumman Corporation
HERNDON, Va., Jan. 18, 2001 (PRIMEZONE) -- Logicon Inc., a Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE:NOC) company, will support the Irish Peace Process Cultural and Training Program under a cooperative...
Barrack Rodos Announces Suit Against New Era of Networks, Inc. and its Officers and Directors Alleging Misrepresentations
January 18, 2001 16:31 ET
Barrack, Rodos & Bacine
PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 17, 2001 (PRIMEZONE) -- Counsel for Class Plaintiff, Barrack, Rodos & Bacine, today issued the following:
A class action was commenced in the United States District Court...
Carrier1 Announces Implementation of its Southern European Ring
January 18, 2001 12:16 ET
Carrier1 International S.A.
ZURICH, Jan. 18, 2001 (PRIMEZONE) -- Carrier1 International S.A. (Neuer Markt:CJN) (Nasdaq:CONE) today announced that it has begun lighting its Southern European ring linking key cities in France,...
Allied Research Corporation Says it Expects to Report Strong Earnings For 2000
January 18, 2001 10:45 ET
Allied Research
VIENNA, Va., Jan. 18, 2001 (PRIMEZONE) -- Allied Research Corporation (AMEX:ALR), a diversified defense and commercial electronic security firm, announced today that, based on preliminary estimates,...
Ubegrunnet og unyansert uttalelse fra Statens råd for ernæring og fysisk aktivitet
January 18, 2001 09:43 ET
Solon Eiendom ASA
Dokumentasjonen på effekt av Nutrilett® og Scan Diet™ er omfattende, og senest i en helt ny analyse av eksisterende studier av James W. Anderson, professor i medisin og ernæring ved University of...
ZAP Water Scooter SWIMMY a Semi-Finalist for NASDAQ Sports Product of the Year
January 18, 2001 08:15 ET
LAS VEGAS - Jan. 18, 2001 (PRIMEZONE) -- Electric bike and scooter pioneer ZAPWORLD.COM (Nasdaq:ZAPP) announced today its new water scooter, SWIMMY(tm), has been chosen as a semi-finalist for "The...
Telenor Media og Nextra danner B2B-selskap
January 18, 2001 07:48 ET
De to Telenor-selskapene har i lengre tid diskutert mulighetene for å gjøre en felles, konkurransekraftig satsing på Internett mot B2B-segmentet. Sammen danner partene nå et joint venture, som samler...
America Online and Nokia Announce Microbrowser Licensing Agreement
January 18, 2001 07:01 ET
Nokia Oyj
Dulles, VA and Espoo, Finland, January 18, 2001 -- America Online, Inc., the world's leading interactive services company and Nokia, the world leader in mobile communications, today announced a...
January 18, 2001 06:30 ET
(Oslo, 18.01.01) Telenor har i dag gjennomført salget av sin 10% andel i Viag Interkom og har mottatt oppgjør for dette i.h.h.t. børsmelding av 29.12.00....
January 18, 2001 06:30 ET
(Oslo, 18 Dec. 2001)Telenor today completed its sale of its 10% stake in VIAG Interkom, and the transaction was settled according to notice of 29.12.00....
- February 06, 2025 00:54 ET Motwani Jadeja Foundation Enables 10 Indian Leaders to Experience Davos for the First Time
- February 05, 2025 23:12 ET Dr. Meenakshi Ravi Honored with 2025 Global Recognition Award for Social Impact Innovation