Interim Report January-September 2014: Increased Order Intake and Strategic Focus on the IDC Business Area in Q3
October 22, 2014 02:00 ET | Beijer Electronics AB
Third Quarter · Order intake increased by 4% to 341.4 MSEK (327.8), or by 10% for comparable units. · Net sales were 334.6 MSEK (346.1). · Operating profit was 28.6 MSEK (30.0) excluding...
Telefonkonferens i samband med Delårsrapport januari-september 2014
October 15, 2014 03:13 ET | Beijer Electronics AB
Beijer Electronics AB (publ) offentliggör sin delårsrapport för januari -september 2014 onsdagen den 22 oktober kl 08.00. Samma dag arrangeras en telefonkonferens för press och aktiemarknad där tf...
Conference call on Interim Report January-September 2014
October 15, 2014 03:13 ET | Beijer Electronics AB
Beijer Electronics AB (publ) releases its interim report for January-September 2014 on Wednesday, October 22, at 8.00 a.m. CET. On the same day a conference call will be held for press and analysts...
Beijer Electronics implements a number of actions aimed at improving profitability within business area IAS
October 13, 2014 02:56 ET | Beijer Electronics AB
In respect of the information which appeared in the media, Beijer Electronics announces the following: Business area IAS has struggled with unsatisfactory profitability for a long time. To address...
Beijer Electronics inför ett antal lönsamhetsförbättrande aktiviteter inom affärsområde IAS
October 13, 2014 02:56 ET | Beijer Electronics AB
Med anledning av uppgifter som förekommit i media meddelar Beijer Electronics följande: Affärsområde IAS har under en längre tid brottats med otillfredsställande lönsamhet. För att komma tillrätta...
Valberedning utsedd i Beijer Electronics AB (publ)
September 29, 2014 02:00 ET | Beijer Electronics AB
Styrelseordföranden har, i enlighet med tidigare årsstämmobeslut, efter samråd med bolagets största aktieägare utsett en valberedning. Valberedningens uppgift är att arbeta fram förslag till...
Nomination Committee Appointed in Beijer Electronics AB (publ)
September 29, 2014 02:00 ET | Beijer Electronics AB
According to the previous AGM resolution, the Chairman of the Board has contacted the company’s largest shareholders to form a Nomination Committee. The Nomination Committee shall prepare proposals...
Beijer Electronics invests 175 million SEK in Industrial Data Communication
September 15, 2014 02:00 ET | Beijer Electronics AB
The Board of Directors in Beijer Electronics has decided to make a major investment within the business area Industrial Data Communication, IDC. Over the last few years, Westermo has achieved major...
Beijer Electronics satsar 175 miljoner kronor på Industriell Datakommunikation
September 15, 2014 02:00 ET | Beijer Electronics AB
Styrelsen för Beijer Electronics har beslutat att göra en storsatsning inom affärsområdet Industriell Datakommunikation, IDC. Under de senaste åren har Westermo rönt stora framgångar med sina...
Interim Report January-June 2014: Continued Sales Growth and Improved Profitability in the Second Quarter
July 11, 2014 02:00 ET | Beijer Electronics AB
Second Quarter · Order intake of 353.7 MSEK (363.8). · Net sales up by 6% to 355.4 MSEK (336.0). · Operating profit increased to 55.7 MSEK (12.6) including a 32.9 MSEK capital gain. Excluding...