Market making ceased with Exista shares
October 24, 2008 12:29 ET | Exista hf.
Exista hf. has terminated its market making agreements with Kaupthing Bank hf. and Straumur Burdaras Fjarfestingarbanki hf. due to completely changed conditions in the financial market. The market...
Hluthafafundur Exista hf. haldinn 30. október 2008
October 23, 2008 06:28 ET | Exista hf.
Hluthafafundur Exista hf. verður haldinn fimmtudaginn 30. október 2008 í Salnum, Hamraborg 6, Kópavogi og hefst fundurinn kl. 13:00. Dagskrá: 1. Umfjöllun um stöðu og horfur. 2. Heimild...
Exista hf's Shareholders Meeting will be held 30 October 2008
October 23, 2008 06:28 ET | Exista hf.
A Shareholders Meeting of Exista hf. will be held at Salurinn, Hamraborg 6, Kópavogur, on 30 October 2008 and will start at 13:00. Agenda: 1. Discussion about present status and prospects....
Breytt fjárhagsdagatal Exista
October 22, 2008 12:33 ET | Exista hf.
Exista hf. mun birta afkomu þriðja ársfjórðungs eftir lokun markaða fimmtudaginn 27. nóvember næstkomandi. Vakin er athygli á því að vegna óvissu á íslenskum fjármálamarkaði hefur birtingu uppgjörs...
Changes in Financial Calendar
October 22, 2008 12:33 ET | Exista hf.
Exista hf. will publish interim accounts for the third quarter of 2008 after the market close on Thursday 27 November. Please note that due to uncertainties in the financial market in Iceland the...
Sale of shares in Bakkavör Group
October 10, 2008 06:46 ET | Exista hf.
The Board of Exista has decided to sell all shares in Bakkavör Group hf, a total of 855,151,478 shares representing 39.629% of the total share capital, to ELL 182 ehf. The price is ISK 9.79 per...
Sala á hlut í Bakkavör Group
October 10, 2008 06:46 ET | Exista hf.
Stjórn Exista hefur ákveðið að selja allan hlut félagins í Bakkavör Group hf, samtals 855.151.478 hluti eða sem nemur 39,629% af heildarhlutafé, til ELL 182 ehf. Söluverð er 9,79 krónur á hlut sem...
Sale of shares in Storebrand
October 09, 2008 05:24 ET | Exista hf.
Sale of shares in Storebrand Exista has today 9 October, 2008 sold its 39,097,164 shares in Storebrand, representing 8.69% of the total share capital in Storebrand, to Gjensidige Forsikring BA....
Sala á hlutum í Storebrand
October 09, 2008 05:24 ET | Exista hf.
Sala á hlutum í Storebrand Exista hf. hefur í dag selt 39.097.164 hluti í Storebrand ASA, eða samtals 8,69% af heildarhlutafé félagsins, til Gjensidige Forsikring BA. Hlutirnir voru seldir á...
Results of Placing of Shares in Sampo
October 07, 2008 07:08 ET | Exista hf.
Results of Placing of Shares in Sampo Exista hf. announces the completion of a bookbuilding offering of 114,257,867 shares or its entire shareholding in Sampo Oyj, representing an aggregate...