Landic Property hf. - Birting á ársuppgjöri 2008
April 29, 2009 10:31 ET
Landic Property hf.
Landic Property hf. mun ekki birta uppgjör sitt fyrir árið 2008 fyrir lok
apríl. Félagið er í greiðslustöðvun.
Samkvæmt 2. mgr. 56. gr. laga nr. 108/2007, um verðbréfaviðskipti, gilda...
Landic Property hf. - Publication of annual results 2008
April 29, 2009 10:31 ET
Landic Property hf.
Landic Property will not publish its annual results for 2008 before the end of
April 2009. The District Court of Reykjavík has granted Landic Property hf. the
authorisation for temporary suspension...
Authorisation for temporary suspension of payments
April 16, 2009 11:47 ET
Landic Property hf.
The District Court of Reykjavík has granted Landic Property hf. the
authorisation for temporary suspension of payments until 7 May 2009. Ragnar H.
Hall has been appointed administrator of the...
Veitt heimild til greiðslustöðvunar
April 16, 2009 11:47 ET
Landic Property hf.
Héraðsdómur Reykjavíkur veitti í dag Landic Property hf. heimild til
greiðslustöðvunar til 7. maí 2009. Ragnar H. Hall, hrl., hefur verið fenginn
til að gegna stöðu aðstoðarmanns félagsins á...
Landic Property hf. and some of its Danish subsidiaries enter temporary suspension of payments
April 16, 2009 07:07 ET
Landic Property hf.
Landic Property hf. and some of its Danish subsidiaries enter temporary
suspension of payments
• The suspension of payments does not apply to the companies in Denmark,
Sweden, Iceland and...
Landic Property hf. og nokkur dótturfélög í Danmörku sækja um greiðslustöðvun
April 16, 2009 07:07 ET
Landic Property hf.
Landic Property hf. og nokkur dótturfélög í Danmörku sækja um greiðslustöðvun
- Greiðslustöðvunin hefur engin áhrif á rekstur dótturfélaga sem eiga og reka
fasteignir félagsins á Íslandi,...
- Landic Property completes sale of Finnish subsidiaries and signs agreement for sale of Danish and Swedish subsidiaries
April 16, 2009 06:23 ET
Landic Property hf.
Landic Property completes sale of Finnish subsidiaries and signs agreement for
sale of Danish and Swedish subsidiaries
Landic Property hf. has completed the sale of its Finnish subsidiaries...
- Landic Property gengur frá sölu á finnsku fasteignasafni sínu og skrifar undir samning um sölu á dönskum og sænskum dótturfélögum
April 16, 2009 06:23 ET
Landic Property hf.
Landic Property gengur frá sölu á finnsku fasteignasafni sínu og skrifar undir
samning um sölu á dönskum og sænskum dótturfélögum
Landic Property hefur gengið frá sölu á fasteignasafni sínu í...
Hluthafafundur Landic Property verður haldinn laugardaginn 4. apríl 2009
March 28, 2009 04:47 ET
Landic Property hf.
Hluthafafundur Landic Property hf. verður haldinn í höfuðstöðvum félagsins,
Kringlunni 4-12 í Reykjavík, laugardaginn 4. apríl 2009 n.k. og hefst kl.
1. Stjórnarkjör
2. Önnur...
Landic Property hf's shareholders meeting will be held on 4 April 2009
March 28, 2009 04:47 ET
Landic Property hf.
A Shareholders Meeting of Landic Property hf. will be held at the company´s
office at Kringlunni 4-12, Reykjavík on Saturday, 4 April 2009 at 11:00 AM.
3. Election of a Board of...