Izmaiņas AS “Olainfa
Izmaiņas AS “Olainfarm” Valdes sastāvā
July 25, 2018 07:44 ET | Olainfarm
Izmaiņas AS “Olainfarm” Valdes sastāvā Ar šo AS “Olainfarm” paziņo, ka 2018.gada 24. Jūlijā AS “Olainfarm” Padome ir pieņēmusi šādus lēmumus par izmaiņām AS “Olainfarm” Valdē: - Atcelt...
Changes to the Manag
Changes to the Management Board of AS Olainfarm
July 25, 2018 07:44 ET | Olainfarm
Changes to the Management Board of AS Olainfarm AS Olainfarm hereby informs about the following decisions taken by its Supervisory Council on July 24, 2018: Remove Salvis Lapins from position of...
„Olainfarm” grupas a
„Olainfarm” grupas apgrozījums pusgadā audzis par 5%. Straujākā izaugsme atzīmēta Japānā un Baltkrievijā.
July 19, 2018 02:25 ET | Olainfarm
Olainē, 2018. gada 19.jūlijā „Olainfarm” grupas apgrozījums pusgadā  audzis par 5%. Straujākā izaugsme atzīmēta Japānā un Baltkrievijā. Konsolidētie rezultāti – jūnijs...
Sales Of Olainfarm I
Sales Of Olainfarm In Six Months Increase By 5%. The Fastest Growth Recorded In Japan And Belarus
July 19, 2018 02:25 ET | Olainfarm
Olaine, June 18, 2018 Sales Of Olainfarm In Six Months Increase By 5%. The Fastest Growth Recorded In Japan And Belarus   Consolidated Results of June and 6 months of...
Dividend payment ex-
Dividend payment ex-date of AS “Olainfarm”
June 29, 2018 02:00 ET | Olainfarm
Dividend payment ex-date of AS “Olainfarm” AS “Olainfarm” (OLF1R, ISIN code LV0000100501) will close the list of shareholders for dividend payment on July 4, 2018 at the end of the working day of...
Par AS “Olainfarm” a
Par AS “Olainfarm” akciju dividendēm
June 29, 2018 02:00 ET | Olainfarm
Par AS “Olainfarm” akciju dividendēm 2018. gada 4. jūlijs ir Ieraksta datumus, uz kuru tiks fiksēts AS “Olainfarm” (OLF1R, ISIN code LV0000100501) akcionāru saraksts dividenžu saņemšanai.   Tādējādi...
„Olainfarm” apgrozīj
„Olainfarm” apgrozījums piecos mēnešos audzis par 2%
June 18, 2018 16:31 ET | Olainfarm
Olainē, 2018. gada 18.jūnijā „Olainfarm” apgrozījums piecos mēnešos audzis par 2% Konsolidētie dati par maiju un 5 mēnešiem Konsolidētie maija rezultāti: ...
Olainfarm Sales In T
Olainfarm Sales In The First Five Months Increase by 2%
June 18, 2018 16:31 ET | Olainfarm
Olaine, June 18, 2018 Olainfarm Sales In The First Five Months Increase by 2%   Consolidated Results May and 5 months of 2018 Preliminary consolidated Olainfarm...
Ir noslēgusies Olain
Ir noslēgusies Olainfarm 2018. gada 1. ceturkšņa virtuālā konference
June 07, 2018 10:18 ET | Olainfarm
Ir noslēgusies Olainfarm 2018. gada 1. ceturkšņa virtuālā konference 7. jūnijā AS „Olainfarm” aizvadīja virtuālo konferenci investoriem. Konferences laikā AS „Olainfarm” valdes loceklis Salvis Lapiņš...
Recording of the Fir
Recording of the First Quarter 2018 Investor Conference Webinar
June 07, 2018 10:18 ET | Olainfarm
Recording of the First Quarter 2018 Investor Conference Webinar On June 7 AS „Olainfarm” organized its Investor Conference Online Webinar. During the webinar the member of the management board of AS...