Olainfarm will Hold
Olainfarm will Hold First Quarter 2018 Investor Conference Webinar
May 27, 2018 15:03 ET | Olainfarm
Olainfarm will Hold First Quarter 2018 Investor Conference Webinar AS „Olainfarm” invites shareholders, investors, mass media representatives and other stakeholders to join its investor conference...
Olainfarm aicina inv
Olainfarm aicina investorus uz 2018. gada 1. ceturkšņa virtuālo konferenci
May 27, 2018 15:03 ET | Olainfarm
Olainfarm aicina investorus uz 2018. gada 1. ceturkšņa virtuālo konferenciAS „Olainfarm” aicina visus akcionārus, investorus, masu mediju pārstāvjus un ikvienu interesentu piedalīties uzņēmuma...
Assessment of Indepe
Assessment of Independence of Candidates for Membership in Supervisory Council of JSC Olainfarm
May 27, 2018 14:56 ET | Olainfarm
Assessment of Independence of Candidates for Membership in Supervisory Council of JSC Olainfarm   Assessment of independence of Candidates for Membership in Supervisory Council of JSC Olainfarm...
AS “Olainfarm” Padom
AS “Olainfarm” Padomes kandidātu neatkarības izvērtējums
May 27, 2018 14:56 ET | Olainfarm
AS “Olainfarm” Padomes kandidātu neatkarības izvērtējums AS “Olainfarm” Padomes kandidātu neatkarības izvērtējums saskaņā ar AS Nasdaq OMX Riga 2010. gadā apstiprināto “Korporatīvās pārvaldības...
AS “Olainfarm”  Pado
AS “Olainfarm” Padomes locekļu kandidātu CV
May 25, 2018 04:09 ET | Olainfarm
AS “Olainfarm”  Padomes locekļu kandidātu CV AINĀRS OZOLS Izglītība: 2005 – 2006 Rīgas Ekonomiskā augstskola (Stockholm School of Economics, Riga). Iegūts Executive MBA grāds. 1997 – 1999Latvijas...
CVs of Proposed Memb
CVs of Proposed Members of the Council of JSC Olainfarm
May 25, 2018 04:09 ET | Olainfarm
CVs of Proposed Members of the Council of JSC Olainfarm AINĀRS OZOLS Education: 2005 – 2006 Stockholm School of Economics, Riga.  Executive MBA 1997 – 1999Latvian Banking Academy. The Latvian...
Lēmumu projekti AS „
Lēmumu projekti AS „Olainfarm” kārtējai akcionāru sapulcei 2018.gada 05.jūnijā
May 22, 2018 05:34 ET | Olainfarm
Lēmumu projekti AS „Olainfarm” kārtējai akcionāru sapulcei 2018.gada 05.jūnijā: 1. Valdes ziņojums par 2017. gada darbības rezultātiem. Lēmuma projekts:Pieņemt zināšanai akciju sabiedrības...
Draft resolutions of
Draft resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of JSC „Olainfarm” to be held on June 05th, 2018
May 22, 2018 05:34 ET | Olainfarm
Draft resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of JSC „Olainfarm” to be held on June 05th, 2018: 1. Report of the Board on results of operations in 2017.Draft resolution:  To take...
„Olainfarm” realizāc
„Olainfarm” realizācija četros mēnešos augusi par 8%
May 17, 2018 09:17 ET | Olainfarm
Olainē, 2018. gada 17. maijā „Olainfarm” realizācija četros mēnešos augusi par 8% Konsolidētie dati par aprīli un 4 mēnešiem Konsolidētie aprīļa rezultāti: ...
Olainfarm Sales In T
Olainfarm Sales In The First 4 Month Face 8% Increase
May 17, 2018 09:17 ET | Olainfarm
Olainfarm Sales In The First 4 Month Face 8% Increase Consolidated Results April and 4 Months of 2018 Preliminary consolidated results of JSC Olainfarm for April 2018 show...