Annual report 2008
31 mars 2009 06h32 HE
Curalogic A/S
Announcement no. 02/2009
To the NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen Copenhagen, March 31, 2009
Annual report 2008
At the Company's Extraordinary General Meeting held on December 11, 2008,...
Årsrapport 2008
31 mars 2009 06h32 HE
Curalogic A/S
Meddelelse nr. 02/2009
Til NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen København, 31. marts 2009
Årsrapport 2008
På selskabets ekstraordinære generalforsamling afholdt den 11. december...
Forventet likvidationsprovenu
25 mars 2009 08h00 HE
Curalogic A/S
Meddelelse nr. 01/2009
Til NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen
København, 25. marts 2009
Forventet likvidationsprovenu ...
Expected liquidation proceeds
25 mars 2009 08h00 HE
Curalogic A/S
Announcement no. 01/2009
To the NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen Copenhagen, March 25, 2009
Expected liquidation proceeds
At the Company's Extraordinary General Meeting held on December...
Curalogic's Financial Calender 2009
19 déc. 2008 07h08 HE
Curalogic A/S
Curalogic's Financial Calender 2009 is attached as a pdf-file...
Curalogic's Finanskalender 2009
19 déc. 2008 07h08 HE
Curalogic A/S
Curalogic's Finanskalender 2009 er vedhæftet som pdf fil....
Articles of association December 2008
15 déc. 2008 03h52 HE
Curalogic A/S
Articles of association December 2008...
Curalogic vedtægter dec. 2008
15 déc. 2008 03h52 HE
Curalogic A/S
Curalogic vedtægter dec. 2008...
Forløb af ekstraordinær generalforsamling i Curalogic A/S
11 déc. 2008 10h38 HE
Curalogic A/S
Meddelelse nr. 21/2008
Til NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen København,
11. december 2008 ...
Outcome of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Curalogic A/S
11 déc. 2008 10h38 HE
Curalogic A/S
Announcement no. 21/2008
To the NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen Copenhagen,
December 11, 2008 ...