Bond issue due May 12, 2009
May 12, 2009 16:18 ET
Atorka Group hf.
Today, May 12, are due payments of the bond issue ATOR 07 8 which will not be
As stated in press release dated May 7, the Company hired
PriceWaterhouseCoopers in Denmark to work on total...
Atorka‘s financial restructuring
May 07, 2009 12:00 ET
Atorka Group hf.
Due to the negative impact that the credit crunch has had on Atorka‘s
investments, the company has been working on financial restructuring in the
last few months.
Unlike many other Icelandic...
Fjárhagsleg endurskipulagning Atorku
May 07, 2009 12:00 ET
Atorka Group hf.
Atorka hefur undanfarna mánuði unnið að fjárhagslegri endurskipulagningu
félagsins í kjölfar þeirra neikvæðu áhrifa sem heimskreppan hefur haft á
eignasafn þess.
Atorka hefur, ólíkt mörgum öðrum...
-Standstill Agreement expired
April 30, 2009 13:05 ET
Atorka Group hf.
At midnight on the 30th of April 2009 the standstill agreement which Atorka
Group hf. (Atorka) announced the 8th of April will expire. Atorka is still
working on its financial restructuring....
-Kyrrstöðusamningur útrunninn
April 30, 2009 13:05 ET
Atorka Group hf.
Á miðnætti 30. apríl 2009 rennur út kyrrstöðusamningur við lánardrottna sem
Atorka Group hf. (Atorka) tilkynnti þann 8. apríl síðastliðinn. Atorka vinnur
áfram að fjárhagslegri endurskipulagningu...
Publishing of Atorka Group‘s Financial statements delayed
April 24, 2009 12:11 ET
Atorka Group hf.
Atorka Group hf. will not publish the annual results 2008 in the end of April
as announced before.
Based on art. 56, paragraph 2 of Act no. 108/2007 on Securities Transactions,
companies that...
Birtingu ársreiknings Atorku Group hf. frestað
April 24, 2009 12:11 ET
Atorka Group hf.
Uppgjör Atorku Group hf. fyrir árið 2008 mun ekki verða birt í lok apríl eins
og áður hefur verið tilkynnt um.
Á grundvelli 2. mgr. 56. gr. laga nr. 108/2007 um verðbréfaviðskipti er...
Extension on Standstill Agreement
April 07, 2009 18:23 ET
Atorka Group hf.
On the 25th of March, Atorka Group hf. (Atorka) announced extension on
Standstill agreement to 31st of March 2009. Atorka has in cooperation with its
main creditors worked on further extension on...
Framlenging á kyrrstöðusamningi
April 07, 2009 18:23 ET
Atorka Group hf.
Þann 25. mars sl. tilkynnti Atorka Group hf. (Atorka) um framlengingu á
kyrrstöðusamningi til 31. mars 2009. Atorka hefur ásamt stærstu kröfuhöfunum
unnið að áframhaldandi framlengingu á...
Interest payment 6. April 2009
April 06, 2009 18:50 ET
Atorka Group hf.
Today, the 6th of April are due interest payments of the bond issues ATOR 07 6
and ATOR 07 7 which have not been paid. The bond owners are a part of the
standstill agreement which expired on the...